Border guards stopped citizens of Egypt in Lviv region, intending to reach Poland in illegal way


picCitizen of Egypt intending to cross illegally the state border was stopped recently by the border guards of Mostytskyi Detachment. The members of a Public Association informed the border guards about the stranger’s appearance in the suburb of one of the border villages.

Upon arrival of reaction group it was revealed that detainee was a citizen of Egypt undocumented, 1996 year of birth. The man aimed to bypass the check point on foot trying to cross the border and reach neighboring Poland in illegal way. Currently, the person is detained in administrative order, in future he would be held accountable for attempt to break the state border of Ukraine.


Border guards apprehended illegal migrant from Transcarpathia


picBorder guards of BS “Tysa”, Chop Detachment, apprehended a citizen of Ukraine intending to travel beyond the check point and wishing to get to the neighboring Hungary looking for better life conditions. Border detail detained the “traveler” within the green border area. Detainee had no any identifying documents. However, he reported to be the local resident of Solomonovo village and intended to get to Hungary. Currently, the man is delivered to Temporary detention Centre of Chop Detachment aiming to identify personality and establish all circumstance of the infringement.


Mukachevo Police detained illegal migrants due to drunk smuggler


picMukachevo patrol agents stopped the car for violation of the Road Regulations. Speaking with the driver, the officers noticed immediately the signs of alcohol intoxication and on driver’s consent they performed a test demonstrating the result of his drunk state. Two minor were inside the car being the citizens of National Republic of Bangladesh, probably, the intended to cross the state as they had no any documents. All persons were delivered to Mukachevo Police Department to establish all circumstances and informed the corresponding services, the administrative documents were drawn as to the driver.


Border guards apprehended the same Iranian for the third time


picBorder guards of BS “Uzhgorod” of Chop Detachment apprehended a trespasser close to Ukrainian-Slovakian border, who attempted to cross the border in illegal way. Local residents informed law enforcers about the appearance of the stranger close to the state border, in the area of Uzhgorod airport. Aiming to verify received information, searching actions were started immediately. Soon, the foreigner was detained in the distance of 1000 m from the border. The man did not have any documents, however, introduced himself to be the citizen of Iran, YOB 1959. He refused to provide any explanations. Besides, later on, in the course of the interview it was learned that this citizen had been apprehended for the third time. Aiming to establish the circumstances of the infringement the detainee was delivered to Temporary detention Centre of Chop Border Detachment. So far, verifications measures continue.


Border guards revealed 9 foreigners with forged and technically invalid documents


picBorder guards of Boryspil airport did not pass three foreigners intending to cross the state border with forged documents. While checking in the passengers of the flight “Stockholm-Kyiv”, the staff of State Border Guard Service detected a citizen of Iraq having forgery signs in the document, namely replaced pages with constituent data.

Two more violators travelling by the flight “Istanbul-Kyiv” by forged passports were stopped by the border guards during the documents check. Foreigners had documents of Greek citizens having pages replaced containing constituent data. In the course of the interview detainees reported the law enforcers that they were the citizens of Syria, and forged documents were bought for $20 000.

In both cases border guards informed the representatives of National Police about the facts of revealed infringements. The citizens were not passed through the border and were returned by a back flight.

Also, the staff of State Border Guards Service apprehended five citizens of Moldova in the check point “Kuchurgan”, who tried to cross the state border of Ukraine by forged personal documents, namely – passports for travelling abroad contained inserted pages with information about permanent place of residence on the territory of Russia. Administrative materials were prepared as to these citizens.

Besides, technically invalid document was revealed in the citizen of Moldova in the check point “Novi Yarlychovi”. The man attempted to get to Russian Federation having passport with cut off pages. The citizen was sent to Moldova Embassy in Ukraine in order to draft corresponding documents.


Police apprehended 4 illegal migrants from Georgia


picPatrolmen stopped the car Daewoo Lanos of foreign registration. Speaking with the driver the policemen learned that passengers were the citizens of Georgia and intended to cross the state border in illegal way. When checking documents policemen’s attention was drawn by the legality of the driver and passengers’ stay on the territory of Ukraine. If the car did not stopped for violation of Road Regulations, the persons would reach Hungary or Slovakia.


Citizen of Turkey was apprehended by the border guards


picState Border Guard Service continues undertaking measures to prevent illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine within the frames of counteraction to illegal migration. Thus, the border guards of BS “Pavlovychi”, Lvivskyi Detachment, detained a citizen of Turkey near the border, who tried to cross the state border of Ukraine on Poland illegally. Local residents assisted in identification of the trespassers informing the law enforcers about an unknown person moving towards the border. The man had documents proving his identity; he told the border guards that he was going to get one of the EU countries. Currently, the violator is delivered to the Department of Border Guard Service to establish the circumstances of the offense and drawing up the relevant procedural documents.


Two illegal migrants from Africa were detected in Mukachevo Detachment


picThe staff of Mukachevo Detachment detained two illegal migrants from Africa. Unfamiliar person was noticed during border patrolling in the area of BS “Luzhanka”. He attempted to get over the barrage fence. Border guards made a warning shot up in order to stop the violator. Besides, in the course of further searching action the law enforcers found and detained a woman close to the apprehension place. Detainees did not have any documents. The man reported to be the citizen of Mali, and woman – from Somalia. Also, the travelers told that the aim of their trip was to improve their life conditions in one of the countries of European Union. So far, the detainees are delivered to Border Guard Department. The court will determine their destiny.


Transcarpathian smugglers were sentenced to 5 years of prison


picThe Court in Transcarpathian region has accused two local residents in illegal transportation of migrants to European Union and sentenced each smuggler to 5 years of prison. The sentence was announced by Vynohradiv District Court. The men were charged with smuggling illegal migrants over the border of Ukraine to EU in the composition of organized group. SSU has specified that four members of the grouping had been detained already in 2013. After accusing them in suspicion under the Article 3 Part 332 of Crime Code, they were released from arrest by paying off mortgage and “concealed from investigation abroad”. All malefactors were put on the international wanted list. This year – two brothers (grouping members) got extradited to Ukraine.

“The court found them guilty in alleged crime and imposed a punishment in the form of five years and one month of imprisonment and confiscation of property” – it is said in SSU statement. The organizer of illegal migration channel has been found before and officially delivered to SSU. He has already been committed to three years of imprisonment.


Border guards apprehended Azerbaijani getting to Russia beyond the check point


picThe border guards of Sumskyi Detachment detained the trespasser due to information got from operative subdivisions in the area of Russian-Ukrainian border. The unknown persons was stopped just as he crossed the border from Russia. The law enforcement agents established the reason of crossing the border immediately. It was learned that passport document of 45-year-old citizen of Azerbaijan contained the mark of State Border Guard Service on prohibited entrance to Ukraine for the term of three years. So far, protocol on state border crossing is drafted as to this person, the case is forwarded to the court. Filtration-verification events are performed.
