Illegal migrants from Georgia were apprehended in Transcarpathia


picThree travelers from Georgia were detained by border patrol at the border on Romania. Local residents noticed the foreigners in the border area and immediately informed the border guards on this point. Three men were stopped by border detail in the suburb of Dilove village, Rakhivskyi region. All of them had foreign passports of the Georgian citizens. During the interview they confessed in their trip to the neighboring country. Administrative protocols were drawn up as to the violators, which were handed to the court. It should be added that these persons arrived to Ukraine in established order.


Afghan channel for illegal migrants was organized in Transcarpathia


picQuite few illegal migrants were transferred by well-conceived scheme to the EU.

Since the beginning of 2016 6 suspicions were declared on smuggling cases across the state border of Ukraine within the Transcarpathian region. Processes of illegal migration remain to be threatening, in particular the activity of “Afghani” channel, attempt to set the relocation channel for the citizens of Sri Lanka and India as well as attempts to establish the channel of illegal migration for the citizens of Bangladesh.

The channels are relevant in the areas of Velykyi Bereznyi, Vynohradiv, Perechyn and Beregovo districts. The scheme is the following: the citizens of Afghanistan arrive to Ukraine from the territory of Russian Federation, mostly in illegal way, and reside for a certain period in Kiev or Odessa. After forming a group of 4-6 persons, their dispatch by vehicle is organized to the suburbs of the populated areas within Transcarpathia region aiming to transport them to Slovakian or Hungarian Republics. The routs remain invariable and go through Serednoveretskyi, Uzhotskyi and Torunskyi passes. Activity regarding illegal transportation of Sri Lanka’s citizens is mostly relevant within the areas of Beregovo and Vynohradiv districts differing by their formation into the group on the cities of Kharkov, Lvov, Kyiv or Odessa, from where their delivery to Transcarpathia is organized. Sometimes attempts to cross the border are performed by persons being in the procedure of refugee status obtaining, which are actively used for legal stay in Ukraine. Besides, recently the attempt of illegal smuggling through the state border increased regarding the citizens of Bangladesh, which, first of all, is connected with instability of social and political situation in the countries of residence. In majority of cases, the composition of these groups is small – as a rule 3-5 persons. These are men of the age 20 to 40 years old.

Illegal migrants are delivered to Transcarpathia secretly and at night time to the suburbs of the border populated areas. Then, the guides may accompany them inside the neighboring country and also just to the border line, from where the group moves on its own. Such violations are most likely to happen during holidays, weekends or days before holiday, as a rule in midnight, at dawn and in the first part of the day.

Only one educational establishment has received a license for study – Uzhgorod national University. At the present moment there are 462 foreign students, of them 372 – from India, 17 – Zimbabve, 14 – Bangladesh, 15 – Nigeria. The majority of the foreigners, 428, study at Medical Faculty, 17 – at Faculty of Dentistry. In the course of the entire period from this University no student was apprehended for attempt or cross of the state border.


Chechen was getting through Ukraine to EU



Border guards of Chop Detachment detained illegal migrants early in the morning when performing patrolling. The violator was apprehended by the reaction group after alarm system actuation 100 m before the border. Detainee, being travelling beyond the check point from Slovakia, had no any documents. During the interview the man reported to be the native of Groznyi, DOB 1977. In the course of the meeting with the border guards of Slovakia, the fact of border crossing was confirmed. Documents on administrative infringement were prepared and passed to the court.


Ukrainian smuggling 33 illegal migrants was detained at EU border


picPolice officers Tolna region, Hungary 6 detained a citizen of Ukraine on highway M-, suspecting him in smuggling human beings, who were in his van in the number of 33 persons without documents. Driver-smuggler was discovered in one of the parking lots near the road by the National Tax and Customs Service (NAV) Region Tolna. They informed the police about the incident. There were 25 men and 8 boys among the detainees. They introduced themselves as citizens of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. All of them applied for refugee status. Violators were taken to the Police Department Szekszárd, where they were given food and water. Then illegal migrants were passed to the Migration and Citizenship Service. A decision was made to apply previous detention to 55-year-old bus driver.


Illegal migrants were transported in the wooden “coffins” in Transcarpathia


picState border guard Service of Ukraine announces about resonance detention of persons being in engaged in continuous smuggling of the migrants to EU countries. It was managed to detain two residents of Ivano-Frankivsk, who transported migrants from India to EU countries in the wooden boxes.

Simultaneously, a citizen of Sri Lanka was arrested in Kyiv, who was the organizer of migrants’ transportation. The man was caught red-handed. Namely in that moment he received 300 000 UAH for his services.


Group of persons is detained being engaged in smuggling to EU


picLaw enforcement agents apprehended a group of persons within Kiev territory and simultaneously in Transcarpathian region being engaged in illegal transportation of the citizens from the countries of Southern-Eastern Asia to European Union through the state border of Ukraine on Hungary. It should be state that documentation of criminal activity regarding above mentioned group involved the citizen of Sri Lanka and two citizens of Ukraine, continues from the mid-July 2016. Specified persons performed their criminal activity promising three citizens of Republic of India to transport them over the state border of Ukraine for monetary remuneration in the sum of 100 000 UAH.

So far, a pre-trial investigation is conducted according to the Part 3 Article 332 of Crime Code of Ukraine (illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine).


246 Ukrainians applied for asylum in Czech Republic in 2016


picIn the course of the first six months of the current year 765 foreigners asked for asylum in Czech Republic. Ukrainians are in the lead as to the number of asylum applications – 246 Ukrainians applied for asylum in Czech Republic in 2016. This is 134 persons less in comparison with the similar period of the last year. Migrants from Iraq submitted 131 applications. Among the citizens of other countries applying for asylum in Czech Republic are the Christians from China (64 persons), Cubans (40), about 30 persons are the citizens of Syria and Vietnam.


Illegal migrants from India were detained in Transcarpathia


picUnfamiliar violators were detained 300 m before the state border by Transcarpathian border guards. These were four illegal migrants moving towards the border. Border guards detected them nearby the village of Lypove, Beregovo district. The reaction group started immediately to the place stopped these persons 300 m before the state border. Detained men had no any documents, however they introduced themselves as citizens of India. They travelled to one of EU countries. All detainees were delivered to Border Service Department “Goronglab”. So far, border guards establish the circumstances of the infringement and a circle of persons involved in foreigners’ transportation over the border.


In the course of joint patrolling Ukrainian and Slovakian border guards detained two trespassers


picThe staff of State Border Guards Service in cooperation with the border guards of neighboring European countries continues performing actions on resistance to unlawful activity. Thus, in a result of joint patrolling the border guards of Ukraine and Slovakia detained two trespassers – citizens of Georgia. The movement of two persons nearby the border was noticed by means of visual surveillance devices, and then detention operation started. In a result of the searching actions these persons were apprehended a kilometer before the border. Both violators had no any documents – they were the citizens of Georgia.


Border guards detained two citizens from Syria close to Poland


picTwo citizens of Syria were apprehended by the border guards of BS “Nyzhankovychi” close to the border on Poland. Local residents informed border guards about appearance of unknown persons in the border area. Additional border details started to the place to make searches and verify received information. Soon, in the suburb of the village of Trushevychi, Starosambirskyi district, border guards detected two unfamiliar persons. The men did not have any documents and called themselves to be the citizens of Syria. So far, filtration-verification measures are conducted. Protocols are drawn up in accordance with the article 202 of Crime Code of Ukraine.
