The 9th Interagency Meeting in the frames of Regional Programme on protection of refugees implemented by Regional representation of UNHCR in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine at the support of European Commission took place in Uzhgorod on August 17, 2011.
Among the participants there were representatives of State Migration service, Administration of State Border Service, municipal law enforcement and court bodies, non-governmental and human rights organizations.
According to the results of the meeting there was a press-conference of director of Department on Refugees Issues of State Migration Service Nataliya Naumenko, Regional representative of UNHCR in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine Oldrih Andrysek, head of department of Migration Service in Transcarpathian region Mykola Tovt.
In the course of the press-conference the following problems were discussed: controlled and uncontrolled migration in Transcarpathian region, actual aspects of protection of asylum seekers and refugees’ rights in the context of adopted new Law of Ukraine “About refugees and persons who need subsidiary or temporary protection”.
Director of Department on Refugees Issues of State Migration Service Nataliya Naumenko informed public that the elaboration and adoption of new legislation on refugees’ issues is conditioned by implementation of Plan of Action as to liberalization of visa regimen by European Union for Ukraine.
The changes in the system of asylum of Ukraine taking place because of adoption of new legislation in the sphere of refugees, first of all will concern persons who stayed for a long time in legal vacuum and could be returned to the country of origin or received efficient help from the government.
Nowadays, this problem is regulated by introduction of such institutes of defence as subsidiary and temporary protection. Thus, Ukraine will be able implement its obligations in a full value as to protection of refuges and bring closer legislation to international standards in this sphere.
Source: http://www.dmsu.gov.ua/uk/home/545-vidbulasa-mizhvidomcha-robocha-zustrich-v-ramkah-regionalnoji-programi-zahistu-bizhenciv