Woman from Iraq attempted to deceive border guards in Boryspil Airport


While performing verification of the documents the staff of check point “Kyiv” revealed foreign passport not belonging to a person presented it. The incident happened in the international airport Boryspil. Coming for the passport control the citizen of Iraq provided passport document of the Great Britain’s citizen for verification. The foreigners traveled via Kyiv and then she intended to get to London. The pseudo British was revealed at once at the passport control line. In the course of the interview, the woman told that the she bought the passport of the citizen of Great Britain for $ 20 000. So far, the woman is returned by a back flight.

It is worth to remind that for already two days the similar cases are fixed in the capital airport. Thus, the citizen of Iraq had invalid foreign passport. The foreigner was travelling with the passport of German citizen. Recently, the staff of check point “Kyiv” also revealed two citizens of Somalia and Turkey being in the search of better life they travelled with forged document. Te foreigners informed that they purchased foreign passports in Great Britain and Italy for $10 000 and € 500 correspondingly.

In general, during the previous month the border guards of Separate Check Point “Kyiv” detected about 60 persons having invalid passport and more than 10 persons attempting to cross the border using forged or someone’s passports.


Wandering Russians were apprehended by the border guards in Sumy


Two citizens of Russia were apprehended by the border guards of Sumy Detachment for illegal cross of the border of Ukraine. Guarding the state boundaries, the border guards of BD “Krasnopillya” noticed the car registered in Russian Federation at the neighboring territory. It was moving towards the border. Border detail stopped transport vehicle already on the territory of Ukraine. There were 2 citizens in the car, 1975 and 1987 year of birth, the residents of border area. The men did not have any documents for the car. According to the words of the detainees they gathered woods and got lost, they took the car from their friend. Currently, the vehicle was confiscated and handed to the staff of SFS. Protocols were prepared as to the foreigners on administrative infringement for illegal cross of the border. Verification measures go on.

Source: http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/news/blukayuchih-rosiyan-zatrimali-prikordonniki-na-sumshchini/

Passport affair was disclosed in Boryspil Airport


The border guards of check point “Kyiv” revealed a citizen of another country with forged passport. Border guards disclosed the citizen of Iran, who had invalid passport document, during the passport control of the passengers from the flight “Istanbul-Kyiv” in the Boryspil Airport. The foreigner traveled with the passport of the German citizen. So far, the document is confiscated, the person is returned by a back flight with a ban to enter Ukraine for three years.

Source: http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/news/chergovu-pasportnu-aferu-v-aeroportu-borispil-vikrili-ohoronci-kordonu/

Border guards detained illegal migrants from India, Pakistan and Moldova


Border guards of Kharkiv Detachment apprehended a group of illegal migrants. Border guards of BD “Zolochiv” detected the movement of 4 unfamiliar persons by means of the mobile thermal device, who were traveling from the border in the direction to the populated area Udy. The violators were 2 citizens of India, 1 – from Pakistan and one stateless person. However, according to the words of the last, he was the citizen of Ukraine. Soon, it was established that Ukrainian assisted foreigners in illegal cross of the border and accompanied them by the territory of Ukraine. Documents on administrative infringement were drawn as to the detainees with regard to their illegal border cross. The Ukrainian is threatened with criminal responsibility under Article 332 of CCU (Illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine).

Border guards of BD “Tymkove”, Podilskyi Detachment, found two citizens of Moldova nearby Ukrainian-Moldavian border, who also planned to cross the border in illegal way. Protocols documented as for calling to administrative responsibility under the Article 2 Part 204-1 of AICU (Violation or attempt to violate the state border). The cases are forwarded to the court.

Source: http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/news/prikordonniki-zatrimali-nelegaliv-z-indii-pakistanu-ta-moldovi/

Border guards apprehended two foreigners with forged passports in Boryspil Airport


The staff of Separate Check Point “Kyiv”detected two foreigners looking for better life travelled with forged documents not belonged to them. The both cases were fixed in the capital airport of Boryspil.

The border guards of SBGS revealed a passport of the citizen of Great Britain in the citizen of Somalia traveling by transit via Kyiv, which did not belong to her. In the course of the interview with the woman the border guards established that British foreign passport was bought for $ 10 000 in Somalia. The foreigner was travelling by the flight “Dubai-Kyiv-London”. Currently, the woman is expecting for return by a back flight to Dubai.

One more violator was apprehended by the border guards when he attempted to depart to London. The man used Italian passport for his trip. In the course of filtration measures the law enforcers established that the foreigner was the citizen of Turkey. Also, upon document examination the signs of non-established pattern were revealed. The man told that he bought Italian foreign passport in Istanbul for €500. The citizen will be also returned by a back flight.


Border guards disclosed passport swindle in the Boryspil Airport

The staff of Separate Check Point “Kyiv” found passport documents not belonging to the citizens travelling by transit through Ukraine. Thus, three citizens from Iran were detained in Boryspil Airport having passports, which contained the signs of partial forgery. Border guards doubted in the validity and belonging of these documents to their bearers. As it was established in the course of filtration measures the citizens of Iran arrived by the flight from Istanbul. Then, they planned to get to Great Britain in the search of better life. The foreigners purchased the passports of the citizens of Greece for their trip to Turkey. They paid 18 000 euro for services on receiving passports with constituent data page replaced. So far, their return is already planned back to Istanbul.
Source: http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/news/v-aeroportu-borispil-prikordonniki-vikrili-pasportnu-aferu/

African travelled to Poland with someone’s German passport


In the frames of active measures performance as to non-admission of forges, someone’s or invalid documents, the border guards of Mostytskyi Detachment prevented illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine. The train “Lviv-Wroclaw” arrived to the railway check point “Mostyska”. During document check the border guards doubted in German citizen’s passport belonging to one of the passengers. As, the age and face look on the photo in the document did not correspond to the face contours of the girl presenting this document. Soon, the African confessed to be the citizen of Ghana. The violator was apprehended and delivered to Mostytskyi Detachment to identify this person and file corresponding documents as for the attempt of illegal state border cross.

Source: http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/news/afrikanka-ihala-do-polshchi-z-chuzhim-nimeckim-pasportom/

The staff of Border Department detained foreign violators


The border guards of Mostytskyi and Sumy Detachment revealed foreigners attempting to cross the state border in illegal way.

Thus, the staff of Border Department received information from local residents in Lviv region about the movement of unfamiliar persons of Caucasian appearance close to the populated area of Butsiv. In order to verify information the border guards of BD “Shegeni” together with the interacting bodies, started to the mentioned place. A 48-year-old citizen of Tajikistan was found with a child, YOB 2008, at the border. They moved towards the neighboring Poland to cross illegally the state border. Protocol was drawn up as to the citizen concerning her bringing to the administrative liability under Part 2 of Art. 204-1 AICU “Violation or attempt to violate the state border”. The case was forwarded to the court.

And the border patrol of BD “Seredyna-Buda”, Sumy Detachment near the Ukrainian-Russian border exposed a Moldovan citizen, who also intended to cross illegally the border. The detainee is currently under the verification process.


Border guards apprehended two illegal migrants from Algeria at Polish border


Border guards of BS “Smilnytsya”, Mostytskyi Detachment, detained two citizens of Algeria. Receiving information about unknown persons’ presence in the suburb of the populated area Terlo beyond the automobile road towards the state border of Ukraine, the border guards arranged searching activities and as a result two foreigners with the passports of the citizens of Algeria were apprehended. The man and woman aged 38 and 33 made their way towards Ukrainian-Polish border. In the course of verification actions the border guards established that the foreigners entered the territory of Ukraine in legal way planning further to get to their relatives in one of the EU country. In order to perform filtration measures and prepare protocols on administrative infringements the foreigners were delivered to the BS “Smilnytsya”. Future destiny of the travelers and legal assessment of their actions will be defined by the court.


Illegal migrants attempted to bribe border guards in Transcarpathia


Attempting to escape responsibility for border regime violation, the Asians resorted to try bribing the border detail of Border Detachment. However, their attempt failed and faced much more problems in a result. During patrolling, the law enforcers found the car «Hyundai» of English registration with three citizens of Bangladesh. The foreigner had no any identifying documents. When border guards find out what the Asian intended exactly to do in the border area, the car driver offered them the bribe. The border guards certainly rejected to accept the bribe; this case was reported to management board. Detainees were delivered to the Border Department of BS “Uzhgorod” for clarifying the circumstances of the infringement and holding them administratively liable in accordance with the Article 202 of Administrative Violations Code of Ukraine “Violation of border regime, regime in the check points through the state border of Ukraine or regime rules in the control entrance – exit points”. Besides, aiming to make legal decision on possible sign of the infringement stipulated by the Part 1 Article 369 of Crime Code of Ukraine “Offer, promise or presenting improper advantage to an official”, the border guards reported about this case to the Uzhhorod Department of Head Administration of National Police in Transcarpathian region. Currently, the case is under consideration of Police.
