Cooperation of operative subdivisions of State Border Guard Service with the colleagues of EU countries continues. In a result of close cooperation between Border Departments of Ukraine and Slovakia a detention of big group of illegal migrants, 18 citizens of Vietnam and one Syrian being accompanied by Ukrainian, has become a positive example.
A group of “travelers” was apprehended within the territory of Slovakian Republic, however, this operation was preceded by long and spade work of the border guards from both countries.
First, the operation staff of SBGS investigated the migration flows to the territory of Transcarpathia. During an enduring period the organizers of illegal trip delivered foreigners by small groups hoping their intentions not to be disclosed by the law enforcement agents. The part of Vietnamese migrants was taken the day before closer to the western border nearby one of the trade points in Kharkov. The border guards of operation subdivisions traced the routes of illegal migrants’ transportation to the border area. However, the whole bulk of processed information did not provide any answers about time of the violation to happen, as the final group formation had not been completed yet, Ukrainian border guards, understanding that organizers might decide taking part of illegal migrants, shared this information with the border guards of Slovakian Republic. The colleagues from the neighboring side were informed about possible movement of the accumulated group of illegal migrants, their accompaniment by the guides and the route.
In a result of joint real-time interaction, on August 31 Slovakian border guards apprehended 18 citizens of Vietnam, of them 6 women, one Syrian and Ukrainian, who assisted migrants in illegal cross of the state border. Ukrainian border guards were informed about this detention by means of appropriate letter, which also expressed the words of gratitude for performed operation.
On September 1 the foreigners were passed to the staff of Chop Detachment. So far, filtration measures are undertaken with regard to the violators in order to establish all circumstances and disclose the whole circle of the organizers and accomplices. Detained guide by Slovakian border guards is left in Slovakia for investigation procedures.
It should be also marked that the staff of SBGSU proceed watching the activity of the illegal migrants’ group being still within the territory of Transcarpathia and expecting for their further travel.
Source: http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/news/VIDEO-19-migrantiv-z-Vtnamu-ta-Sirii-buli-zatrimani-zavdyaki-spivpraci-operativnih-pidrozdiliv-prikordonnih-vidomstv-Ukraini-ta-Slovachchini/