Border guards revealed 3 citizens of Georgia and Tadzhik with forged documents


picThe staff of State Border Guard Service detected 4 violators in the airports of Kyiv and Odesa during the verification actions, who intended to pass passport control with forged documents. Thus, three citizens of Georgia provided false documents in the course of passport control in the international Boryspil airport. During the verification procedure it was established that family – father, mother and daughter, travelling by one flight to Switzerland – had forged visas.

One more foreigner with false passport was disclosed by the border guards of Odesa Detachment in the check point “Odes-air”. While passing the passport control border guards established that document provided by the citizen of Tadzhikistan – was falsified, namely the owner’s picture and informational page were substituted.


Two persons of Asian appearance provided forged passports of Europeans for control


picTwo illegal migrants, using forged passport documents of the citizens of European Union, were were discovered by the staff of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in Volyn region.

The men of Asian appearance travelled by train to Warsaw through the check point “Yagodyn” being in one coach. When passing border control, border guards established that the travelers’ documents were false. They used the passports of the citizens of Germany and France in order to cross the border.

In order to set out all circumstances and examine the citizens’ documents thoroughly these persons were taken from the train. Then, the border guards established that one passport had photo changed at the informational page, another one contained a full falsification of the page. Besides, there were also other forgeries in both documents. The border guards established that these persons did not enter Ukraine by these passports.

So far, the filtration measures are undertaken to find out all details of the infringement, about which the staff of National Police is also informed.

One more illegal migrant was apprehended by the detail of Mostytskyi Detachment 300 m before the state border on Poland. Information about the presence unfamiliar person in the border area was received by local residents. Detainee was the native of Azerbaijan. At the moment, this person is fined for the sum of 3400 UAH for attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine. Border guards made decision on his voluntary return back home.


Nineteen migrants from Vietnam and Syria were detained due to cooperation of operative subdivisions of Ukraine and Slovakia


picCooperation of operative subdivisions of State Border Guard Service with the colleagues of EU countries continues. In a result of close cooperation between Border Departments of Ukraine and Slovakia a detention of big group of illegal migrants, 18 citizens of Vietnam and one Syrian being accompanied by Ukrainian, has become a positive example.

A group of “travelers” was apprehended within the territory of Slovakian Republic, however, this operation was preceded by long and spade work of the border guards from both countries.

First, the operation staff of SBGS investigated the migration flows to the territory of Transcarpathia. During an enduring period the organizers of illegal trip delivered foreigners by small groups hoping their intentions not to be disclosed by the law enforcement agents. The part of Vietnamese migrants was taken the day before closer to the western border nearby one of the trade points in Kharkov. The border guards of operation subdivisions traced the routes of illegal migrants’ transportation to the border area. However, the whole bulk of processed information did not provide any answers about time of the violation to happen, as the final group formation had not been completed yet, Ukrainian border guards, understanding that organizers might decide taking part of illegal migrants, shared this information with the border guards of Slovakian Republic. The colleagues from the neighboring side were informed about possible movement of the accumulated group of illegal migrants, their accompaniment by the guides and the route.

In a result of joint real-time interaction, on August 31 Slovakian border guards apprehended 18 citizens of Vietnam, of them 6 women, one Syrian and Ukrainian, who assisted migrants in illegal cross of the state border. Ukrainian border guards were informed about this detention by means of appropriate letter, which also expressed the words of gratitude for performed operation.

On September 1 the foreigners were passed to the staff of Chop Detachment. So far, filtration measures are undertaken with regard to the violators in order to establish all circumstances and disclose the whole circle of the organizers and accomplices. Detained guide by Slovakian border guards is left in Slovakia for investigation procedures.

It should be also marked that the staff of SBGSU proceed watching the activity of the illegal migrants’ group being still within the territory of Transcarpathia and expecting for their further travel.


Almost 3500 violators have been apprehended since the beginning of operation “Border-216”


picActive phase of operation “Border-2016” continues, which is performed by State Border Guard Service together with other law enforcement agents and other concerned ministries and departments. The operation is actually performed within the entire territory of the country. It includes reinforcement of control in the border areas, planning a series of other actions referring to counteraction of threats in the sphere of fight against the crossings of the illegal migrants through the state border as well as excisable goods, contraband of drugs and weapon.

As it was informed at the briefing the head of State Border Guard Service – press secretary Oleg Slobodyan – during the realization of the program “Border-2016” started in April, 1031 violators were already detained at the state border, more than 2400 violators of the border regime and almost 167 illegal migrants.


Border guards apprehended citizen of Turkey getting to Poland beyond check points


picThe citizen of Turkey intending to cross Ukrainian-Polish border was apprehended by Lviv border guards of BS “Belz”. Local residents assisted in detecting the unfamiliar man in the village of Peremyslovychi, Sokalskyi district. They informed the border guards about appearance of unknown person, who was asking about the location of the border line. The man had identifying documents. Border guards established that Turk arrived to Ukraine on established order. Detainee was delivered to Border Department in order to clarify the circumstances of this violation. During verification actions Turk confirmed his intention to reach one of EU countries. Materials regarding the detainee are passed to the court.


Three Hindus attempted to cross Ukrainian-Hungarian border in Transcarpathia


picThe staff of State Border Guard Service apprehended 3 citizens of India while they were attempting to cross the state border on Hungary in Transcarpathian region. In the course of operative information realization the border guards prevented the attempt of three illegal migrants from India to cross the state border in illegal way. It is marked that detainees had no any documents. They introduced themselves as the citizens of India. They planned to reach the countries of European Union. According to the statement, the detained persons were delivered to BS “Vilok”. The measures are undertaken to establish the persons involved in organization of illegal cross of the state border.


Scarecrows are placed at Hungarian borders to frighten migrants


picPictures of horrible scarecrows with statements to frighten migrants and refugees from the Hungarian borders were published in the group of social network Facebook, which promise to support Hungarian Police and forces as well border patrolling. The figures itself were cut of sugar beet. These scarecrows look like ghosts from the horror films. People seeking asylum try to avoid these places. And if Hungarians suppose to scare refugees from Ukraine – they miscount.


Two Georgians were apprehended in Transcarapathia just on the fence


picBorder guards of Chop Detachment detained two illegal migrants from Georgia in the area of BS “Knyaginya”. The men were detected 400 meters before the line of state border, who were attempting to climb over the fence. Detainees had passports for travelling abroad. Then, it was established that mentioned persons arrived to Ukraine in legal way, however, and then they decided to get to the EU countries, choosing the mountainous area of Transcarapathia. Detainees were delivered to border subdivision to draw up administrative-procedural documents.


Seven illegal migrants were apprehended in Transcarapathia


picTwo groups of illegal migrants were detained by the officers of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, who intended to cross the state border in illegal way. Thus, the border detail of BS “Vilok”receiving operative information at about 2 a.m. discovered and detained three men without documents. They reported to be the citizens of India. So far, filtration measures are undertaken and circumstances of the infringement are under establishment.

Also, four more illegal migrants were detected by the border detail “Kosyno” of the same detachment. They were apprehended a hundred meters before the state border. According to their words, it was known that one of them was native of Bangladesh, and three others were from Nepal. The personalities of the violators and circumstances of the infringement are established.

All migrants intended to get illegally to Hungary.


Transcarpathian border guards detained illegal migrants from Africa


picThree illegal migrants were apprehended by the border guards of Chop detachment in the woods of Transcarpathia. The trespassers were stopped close to the v. Malyi Bereznyi after alarm device actuation. Group of persons – two men and a woman – were moving towards Ukrainian-Slovakian border. the travelers did not have any documents, and reported the law enforcement agents to be the citizens of Morocco. Detainees were delivered to Border Subdivision in order to perform filtration-verification measures. So far circumstance are established as to their far away trip and plans to cross Slovakian border.
