Author Archives: frank

Two illegal migrants having strange documents were detained at the border


A foreigner was detained in Lviv region in the check point “Krakivets” who attempted to cross the border with a strange passport.  The passenger of the bus “Kyiv-Paris” a young man of Negroid race showed the documents of 24-year-old citizen of France. However, there were no information about Frenchman’s entrance to Ukraine in the database of the border guards, the corresponding marks in the passport were also absent and no migration card he had. Even having different lineaments from those ones on the photo in the passport he still continued to insist on this passport belonged to him.  The border guards had to measure him in order to be convinced of the traveller’s sincerity.  According to data in the document, the height of the owner comprised 180 cm, but the false Frenchman was only 171 cm.

The same day an African woman was apprehended at Ukrainian-Polish border who named herself to be the citizen of Netherlands.  She showed her passport to the border guards of the check point “Yagodyn” (Volyn region). After the lawmen ascertained that this document did not belong to her, the traveller confessed that she was the citizen of Nigeria.  Now she is under identification procedure.  

Generally, since the beginning of this year the staff of State Border Service of Ukraine has revealed more than ten persons travelling with strange documents and more than 40 violators had forged documents.  


Afghan and Algerian were detained at Ukrainian-Russian border


The border guards of Kharkiv Detachment jointly with the workers of SSU detained the group of illegal migrants.  The lawmen had learnt about the possible border breaking beforehand and blocked the supposed directions of the trespassers.

The detail of Department “Vovchansk” making ambush nearby the village Gatysche, at 08.15 detained three men 22-40 years old who were coming from Russia.  The trespassers were citizens of different countries – Ukraine, Afghanistan and Algeria.  The foreigners had only the Xerox copies of the documents, and the Ukrainian boy had his passport.  Asian and African men had warm clothes and the necessaries of life.  

They had plans to work at one of the markets in Kharkiv, Odessa or Kyiv.  The term of their stay in Russia was run out, so they decided to get to Ukraine illegally.  The citizen of Kharkiv agreed to take them through the border for the reward of $ 400 for each person.


Security system is improved at the temporary accommodation centres


Recently European Union has invested € 140 thousand into two active holding facilities in Rozsudiv (Chernihiv region) and in Zhuravychi (Volyn region) for their improvement. Apart from sufficient financial support Ministry of Interior of Ukraine which was received for installation of such equipment in 2008, lately these centres received additional aid from EU directed upon the improvement of security in the centres. Perimeter security system was installed at both centres. Besides, TAC in Rozsudiv has also received power stabilizers in order to remove problems connected with power supply and provision with sufficient functioning of security equipment independently from power tension vibration. TAC in Zhuravychi got electronic system for migrants’ identification, electronic locks, shockproof film for the windows and gratings in the hostels. Perimeter security system prevents from escapes of the migrants, while inside system provides security of the staff in the centres at possible mass conflicts. Installed system answers EU standards and is necessary for effective management and security of the holding facility. Besides technical aid project foresees trainings and seminars conducting for the staff of the both canters. Czech experts shared their experience in daily management of the centres and unusual situations, and problems on crisis situations management as well. They have proposed the ways on preventions and solution of already existing situations. These proposals will be soon introduced into operational textbook on security issues in the holding facilities and will reflect perspectives of Czech republic. The supervision of both centres visited Czech Republic where they had an opportunity to be acknowledged with the system of apprehension at the place.


Two special facilities for keeping illegal migrants are opened in Summy region


Two special facilities for temporary keeping illegal migrants were opened in departments “Seredyna Buda” and “Velyka Pysarivka” in Summy region. These buildings can hold simultaneously up to 14 and 6 persons. They were built in the frames of the EU project – Potentialities Broadening and Technical Support “GDISC ERIT UKRAINE”. Generally, € 260 thousand was allotted for installation of five suchlike special facilities.  The opening of the rest three ones in Kharkiv, Luhansk and Odessa will take place in the nearest months. “ We accentuate our attention  on Eastern and South-eastern border regions of Ukraine as these are the ways illegal migrants chose to get to Ukrainian territory” – Marcela Entlihova, project coordinator explained during the opening ceremony.


Illegal migrants did not get well with a taxi driver


Two illegal migrants from Turkey were detained by the workers of SBSU in Lviv region. 19- and 26-year-old foreigners moving by taxi towards the check point “Rava-Ruska” were stopped by the border detail nearby the border for the check.   

As it was cleared out Turkish men did not get well with the taxi driver.   According to the words of the driver the passengers wanted to get Warsaw that is why he was driving them to the side of the border.  On their way Turks started to be nervous and were talking about something which was not understandable for the driver. Later it turned out that foreigners flied to Lviv as if with a tourist aim.  Soon they confessed in plans of their intention to get illegally to Poland.


Three citizens of Moldova were travelling in a secret place of the minibus


The staff of the check point “Tysa” (Transcarpathian region)  detected three women who were hidden in a secret place.   The hiding place was equipped in a double wall of the closure between the passenger and luggage sections of the minibus.  

The vehicle came to the line of the check point at about 11 p.m.  There were a driver and three passengers (Ukrainians) in it.  In the course of border-customs clearance the observation group paid attention to a rather thick wall. The measuring of the car showed that inside it was 35 cm shorter than outside. Dismantling the closure the staff of the check point manifested three more illegal passengers behind it. The women were the citizens of Moldova by the age 21, 43 and 52 years old, two of them were mothers and a daughter.   

Now the driver and the passengers of the minibus are delivered to the office of Chop Border Detachment, conditions of the violation are clearing out.

It should be mentioned that the very citizens of Moldova nowadays are ones of those who more often try to cross Ukrainian border. Thus, in 2009 the staff of SBS detained 2384 illegal migrants for the attempt to cross the state border illegally, hardly the third of them (737 persons) were Moldavians.   Now the detainees are in the temporary detention centre of Chop Border Detachment.  The women were examined by the border doctors, their health condition is satisfactory.


There will be no massive flow of illegal migrants from European Union


Interview conducted with the head of Administration of Migration Service in Transcarpathian region, Nikolay Tovt

There will be no massive flow of illegal migrants in Ukraine on Readmission in the force of many circumstances. There is rather complicated proof procedure on citizens’ place of living in EU. First of all, Dublin Convention 1990 is active, which determines the state responsible for application consideration about asylum granting submitted in one of the state – members of European Union. Ukraine, as it is known, only tends to become a member of European Union and is not under the action of Dublin Convention. Thus, consideration of application on status should be carried out by the first country of EU on the way of illegal migrant where he gets to. The runaway must not be transferred in order of readmission till he does not undergo all procedures on asylum grant and the supreme court instance of this country does not make a decision. For example, if illegal migrant gets to France through Ukraine than Poland, so France has a right to return him to Poland like the first country of the European Union and there he can ask for asylum. Illegal migrants act everywhere approximately according the same scheme. Thus, in case they really get to EU country they will use their right for sure. 


Four thousand Georgians will be deported from Poland


The reason fro such a decision became an incident on Chechen and Georgian refugees’ capture of the train happened on January 15. The train was bounding to Germany at railway station in Polish Legnitce.   

Displeased by the conditions on their keeping in the centers for refugees, the foreigners with no tickets occupied places in the train and announced about their intentions to get to Strasburg and appeal to European court on human rights with a complain.

Later it became known that Polish authorities made a decision to deport from the country 20 immigrants from Georgia and Chechnya participating in a capture of the train. More 16 participators of action were transferred to centre on keeping persons of closed type, among who were eight children. The destiny of other illegal passenger has not been decided yet. According to the last data, the general number of participating persons in the capture comprised 158 persons, 64 out of them were under age.

Officially Tbilisi confessed that the most part of the citizens of Georgia crossed Byelorussian-Polish border illegally after what they appealed to authorities of Poland with a request to present them political asylum. According to data of European centre on minority issues, 90% of those Georgians who are under deportation are Kurds and the main reason of their migration are complicated social conditions.

It is also marked that the aim of migrants is not to live in Poland but the following migration to Germany and other countries of EU.

Deportation of Georgian illegal migrants, the most of whom were refused in granting the asylum, is planned to realize twice a month.


Chinese migrants are in the search of new routes to Ukraine


The smuggling channel of migrants from China to Ukraine through the territory of Byelorussia was detected in the result of operative-searching activities by the border guards of Chernihiv Detachment.

The workers of State Border Service paid attention to a sufficient increase of the CNR citizens in the course of two months who arrived to Ukraine for studies and on business namely from Republic of Byelorussia. During the check of the companies where foreigners made their way to it was established that these immigrants were not going to work in Ukraine: legality of the most companies was not confirmed.

A crucial point in the case of “labor reserves” for Ukrainian manufacture was put by two cases at Ukrainian-Byelorussian border which happened on January 27, 2010. In the course of registration of the train “Minsk-Kyiv” at the check point a suspicion was waked by two passengers – citizens of China who made their way to Ukraine having business visas. They had proper documents; however the foreigners could not explain the place of their future work. The migrants were accompanied by two citizens of Byelorussia. The Chinese were refused in entrance as the goal of their trip was not confirmed.

The same destiny had other three citizens of China. They were driven by two citizens of Byelorussia. The foreigners were rendering confused evidences, and companies did not confirm their invitation to work.

It should be also mentioned that for some time past the number of case of unlawful activities has increased at Ukrainian-Byelorussian border. Only during the last year the workers of Border Department detained 1611 Byelorussians for various violations, 356 out of them were refused in entering the country. 



 From the beginning of the year only nine foreigners were returned to Ukraine. State Border Service marked that no special flow of illegal migrants is observed. Altogether 19 persons were back, 10 of them – are citizens of Ukraine who were in EU not on legal basis. The rest are the transit migrants. The foreign violators of the border are kept in one of special centers till the time their destiny will be decided. According to the words of minister of Interior, Vasyl Marmazov, 100-200 transit migrants can settle in Ukraine in the current year.
