Author Archives: oksana

3.5 thousand Euros to burn: the border guards detained a foreigner with invalid passport


The border guards Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” found a foreigner with a fake document.

Thus, the staff of SBGSU disclosed the foreign woman during passengers’ registration for the flight “Kyiv – Munich” at the international airport “Boryspil”. She provided the passport of the citizen of France with signs of partial forgery. In the course of the further check it was established that 29-year-old foreigner was a citizen of Iran who arrived on a flight from Ankara. She bought this false passport for 3.5 thousand Euros namely there. The transit way through the airport “Boryspil” was impossible for women.

Now the citizen expects for return by a back flight.


Group of illegal immigrants and their smugglers were revealed in Transcarpathia


The Operative and Search Department of SBGS together with Department of Fight against Crimes connected with Human Trafficking, Head Department of National Police in Transcarpathian region detained illegal immigrants, quickly tracked down the man who organized the transportation of four citizens through the Ukrainian-Slovak border.

Four persons were stopped 800 meters before the state border near the village of Kamenetskaya Huta in Uzhhorod district. These were two men of 29 and 31 years, 27-year-old woman and a small child (nine-month-old girl). Illegal migrants did not have any documents, but introduced as the citizens of Armenia.

When the required procedural activities were performed in the Department of National Police the violators were taken to the Temporary Detention Facility of Chop Detachment. The guards will have to identify the illegal migrants, then they are to be brought to administrative responsibility under the Part 2 Article 204-1 AICU “Illegal cross or attempt of illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine”.

The Department of Fight against Crimes connected with Human Trafficking, and investigators of Uzhhorod District Police have carried out a series of quick searching actions and revealed the names of the smuggling organizer. The law enforcement authorities established that the foreigners attempted to enter the Slovak Republic with the assistance of a citizen of their country of origin. This 50-year-old man was detained in one of the hotels in Uzhhorod district. 7900 Euro and 1642 UAH were confiscated from this man as well as bank cards and other documents. The suspect person was detained under the Article 208 of Crime Code of Ukraine and placed to the Temporary Detention Facility.

The law enforcers took the illegal migrants to the Temporary Detention Facility of Chop Border Detachment. The criminal proceeding was initiated by this fact under the Part 2 Article 332 of the CCU, that is, illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine.

The further measures on establishment of all circumstances and persons involved in the infringement would be carried out by Operative and Search Sub-Department of SFSU.


Foreigners with fake documents were found at Moldavian border


Two foreigners with invalid passport documents were exposed by the border guards of Belgorod-Dnistrovskyi Detachment in the check point “Kuchurgan”.

Thus, 36-year-old citizen of Moldova was going to enter Ukraine providing the passport for control, which was completely fake and on the name of another person. During inspection of his stuff, the border guards found the actual passport of the man. It was established that the citizen worked in Russia, from where he was deported. In order to get there again, he decided to counterfeit his passport. The law enforcers called the offender to liability for attempt to cross illegally the border, and as the signs on criminal offense under the Article 358 of the CCU “Forgery, seals, stamps and forms, their sale, use of forged documents” were revealed it was reported to the competent law enforcement agencies.

And 19-year-old citizen of Israel had the intention to get to Moldova by the foreign passport contained the signs of damage and self-regluing. It turned out that the young man had accidentally washed his passport with things in the washing machine. The best option, in his opinion, was to solve the problem in individual order. But the document with those damages and «self-corrections» does not entitle to cross the border.

The protocols were drawn up as to the citizen of Israel in accordance with the Part 2 Article 204-1 of the AICU (Illegal cross or attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine illegally” concerning both violations).


Citizen of China with invalid documents was apprehended at the border


The foreigner with invalid document was detained in the check point “Vystupovychi”, Zhytomyr Border Detachment. The Chinese citizen provided an expired passport during documents verification.

Upon the Protocol preparation according to the Article 204-1 of the AICU (Illegal cross or attempt of illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine) the foreigner was offered to contact the Embassy of China in Ukraine for registration of a certificate for return.


Border guards detected trespasser in Odessa region with the help of thermal imager


The violator, who attempted to avoid the checkpoint “Tabaki” the Ukrainian-Moldavian border, was detained tonight by the border guards of Ismail Detachment, Odessa region.

Thermal imager assisted the border guards in detecting an unknown person. The detainee explained the border guards that he was trying to get to Moldova for the purpose of employment, and went bypassing the check point as he did not have any documents.

Currently, the offender is identified – he is a 20-year-old citizen of Ukraine. The procedural documents are drafted. The further destiny of the traveler will be defined by the court.


A citizen of China had used false visas of Canada, his journey ended in “Boryspil”


The border detail of Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” found a Chinese citizen travelling to Munich (Germany) having false visa of Canada. As a result of the violations, the representatives of the airline company made the decision to take this person off the flight. Therefore, the Chinese citizen had to return to Beijing by the morning flight.

Two citizens of Iran are also waiting to return home, who tried to travel to Armenia illegally by the fake passports and ID-cards of Greek citizens. The transit through the Boryspil Airport turned out to be impassable, so instead of Yerevan they are expected to arrive to Tehran.


Unprepared “refugee” was detained by border guards of Kharkiv Detachment


The local inspector of the BD “Starytsya”, Kharkiv Detachment, received information from a local resident about the discovery of a suspicious person moving from Russia to Ukraine.

A few minutes later the border guards found and detained the citizen of Russia, which illegally crossed the state border.

The detainee immediately appealed to the border guards with a statement on refugee status granting on the territory of Ukraine. And before considering his request the border guards found that he needed urgent medical care because of his frozen limbs.

The citizen of the Russian Federation was immediately taken to a warm room and emergency was called.

Within minutes the paramedics arrived to the check point and made diagnose: “Frostbite of hands and feet.” The detainee being accompanied by soldiers of the Border Service Department was taken to the district hospital.

The Head Department of State Migration Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv region was informed about the fact of the citizen of the Russian Federation appealing on refugee status granting. Currently, the person is hospitalized under guard.


Border guards refused bribes offered by the foreigners in two cases


For the past day the border guards were twice offered the bribe by the foreigners.

Thus, the staff of SBGS documented an attempt of providing improper benefits in the amount of 100 Turkish Lira at the international airport “Kharkiv” by the foreigner, the citizen of Uzbekistan. She wanted to pay the border guards of Kharkiv Detachment for unhindered crossing of the state border at the checkpoint “Kharkiv-air” – namely, not to check at the second line of control.

Also, $ 200 was offered by a citizen of Georgia to the border guards of the Chernihiv Detachment at the checkpoint “Novi Yarylovychi”. Monetary remuneration was offered by the foreigner for free entrance and not making a decision on refusal in admission to Ukraine, as in 2017 he exceeded the term of stay on its territory.

In all cases the officers of SBGS refused to accept the bribes and registered the violators in established order.


Two citizens of Iran tried to get to Armenia by forged documents


Two citizens of Iran trying illegally to get into Armenia were revealed by the border guards of Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” at the Boryspil Airport.

Forged passports and ID-cards of Greek citizens were detected by the border guards during documents verification belonging to two passengers of the flight “Tehran-Kiev”, who traveled by transit via Ukraine. The foreigners planned to get to Armenia by the flight “Kiev-Yerevan” later on.

Currently, the false documents are confiscated. The Iranians will be sent by a return flight.


Transcarpathian border guards “missed” the plane with illegal immigrants: 11 migrants were detained in Hungary


The migrants get to Hungary not only by land, water and air as well.

Eleven illegal immigrants crossed the Ukrainian-Hungarian border by a small plane and landed in a field near the village Calloshemien.

This was reported by the press service of the Head Police Department of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Beregsau region.

According to the information, the suspicious plane was noticed by a law enforcer residing in this village, who had day off just this day. He immediately called his colleagues. The latter quickly found the abandoned air vehicle on the field. The search for possible passengers had started. The service dog and thermal imaging cameras were involved in the action. Soon, the three Afghans and eight Vietnamese were found. All were detained.

The investigators started the search of the flight executors. According to one version, they could be the inhabitants of Transcarpathia.
