Transcarpathian border guards detained 5 illegal migrants getting to Hungary


picFive illegal migrants were apprehended by the staff of State Border Guard service in Transcarpathia within the frames of reinforced measures and counteraction to illegal migration. Border detail of BS ‘Goronglab” of Mukachevo detachment disclosed a group of unfamiliar persons while performing patrolling some meters before the state border. the “travelers” were making their way in night time being without documents. Three of them introduced to be the citizens of India, and one more from Pakistan. The violators were delivered to Border Department, where materials of administrative proceeding were prepared with regard to the detainees in accordance with the Part 2 Article 204-1 of Administrative Violations Code of Ukraine. Besides, additional details started to the place immediately to identify persons involved in smuggling foreigners via the border. So far, investigation goes on.


Transcarpathian border guards apprehended 5 illegal migrants getting through Hungary


picFive illegal migrants were apprehended in the evening by the staff of SBGS in Transcarpathia within the frames of strengthened measures and counteraction to illegal migration. Border detail of BS “Goronglab” of Mukachevo detachment disclosed the group of unfamiliar persons when performing patrolling some meters before the state border. The “travelers” getting through in the dusk did not have any documents introducing themselves as citizens of India (4) and Pakistan (1). The violators were delivered to Border Subdivision in order to prepare materials of administrative proceedings in accordance with the Part 2 Article 204-1 of CUAI. Besides, additional details immediately arrived to the place to screen the area and identify persons involved in transportation of the foreigners through the state border. So far, verification continues.


Border guards detected a large group of illegal travelers in Transcarpathia


picThe staff of State Border Guard Service apprehended twenty illegal migrants within the frames of operation “Border-2016”

Thus, border guards of Chop detachment detained illegal migrants in the evening in the result of processing received information about possible border cross nearby the village of Kamyanytsya. In the course of territory examination, Ukrainian and the group of illegal migrants were detected. Seeing the law enforcement agents they attempted to hide and dispersed. Organizing cooperation with departments “Novoselytsya”, “Uzhgorod” and Mobile Border Post “Chop”, about a dozen of border details started to the place closing all possible ways of migrants’ move over the border. Interacting Agencies and neighboring dise were informed on this point. In a result of searching actions, being performed at night, 16 citizens of Asian appearance – 14 men and 2 women – were detained. Persons were delived to Border Subdivision. According to the results of conducted filtration measures it was established that 9 of them were citizens of Vietnam, 3 – Sri Lanka and 4 – India. So far, information on the citizen of Ukraine is verified as to whether he was their accomplice in illegal travel to the countries of European Union.

Besides, four persons of Asian appearance were apprehended in the suburb of Uzhgorod, who made their way towards the border. Detained man and four women, being without any documents, introduced themselves as the citizens of Vietnam. At the present moment violators are delivered to department of BS “Uzhgorod” aiming at persons’ identification and drawing up administrative and procedural documents.


Crisis in Europe? Illegal migrants started to escape Europe home


picBorder detail of Chop Detachment detained a violator nearby Ukrainian-Hungarian border, who was getting through the bush woods to Ukraine beyond the check point. The man without documents was apprehended some meters before the border line. He introduced himself as the citizen of Armenia. He also explained that he had resided in France, however, he made a decision to return home. His documents were as if stolen and he attempted to cross the border in illegal way, and then further to Armenia. The violator was delivered to Temporary Detection Centre for clarification of circumstances of the infringement, identification and drawing up administrative and procedural documents.


Border guards of Lviv Detachment detained two Georgian-violators


picThe servicemen of BS “Grushiv” of Lviv Detachment prevented the next attempt of illegal border crossing by two violators. Thus, at about midnight officers received information from the local resident about presence of two unfamiliar persons nearby the populated area Lypovets. Border detail immediately started to the place and detained two citizens of Georgia, 1973 and 1994 DOB. The men had identifying documents, however, they did not deny their intention to reach of the countries of European Union, making the route by means of the Internet beforehand. Detainees were delivered to Temporary Detention Centre in order to establish the circumstances of the infringement and draw up administrative protocols.


Iraqi got conclusive reject proposing border guards a bribe of $500


picA complex of measures directed upon the counteraction to corruption displays among the staff is continued to be performed by the Border Department. Increase in the number of rejects as to illegal profit is a result of system and successive work. Thus, in the course of the last weekend about ten cases on reject from a bribe were registered. Inspector of the check point “Boryspil” flatly refused a bribe of $ 500. Undue profit was offered by a citizen of Iraq asking to make a positive decision on the border crossing. The staff of the National Police was informed on this point.

In general, since the beginning of the current year border guards recorded 570 cases, in which citizens tried to bribe officers in order to “solve” their problems or assist in their illegal activities at the border. Such proposals received categorical refuses and these citizens were transferred to the interacting units.

Source:http: //

Moroccan was apprehended in Lviv region, and Russian – in Odessa


picBorder guards of BS “Grushiv” of Lviv Detachment detained a citizen of Morocco in the suburb of the village Nagachiv, Lviv region, due to information received from the local inhabitant. The foreigner is arrested for three days for establishing the circumstances of the infringement. Documents were prepared on administrative infringement and dent to the court.

Reaction group of BS “Kuchurgan” of Belgorod-Dnistrovskyi Detachment apprehended a citizen of Russia 300 m before the state border according to information provided by inspector of Border Guard Service. The man did not have any documents. The violator being detained in the direction of Russian-Ukrainian border area was detained and hold till the circumstances establishment.


Border guards of Mostytskyi Detachment detained two violators


Last weekend border guards of Mostytskyi Detachment detained two citizens attempting to cross the state border in illegal way on foot to the neighboring Poland. Thus, district inspector of Border Service “Syanky” assisted by local residents in the village of Nyzhnya Yablunka, Turkivskyi district, Lviv region, apprehended the citizen of Azerbaijan. He arrived by electric train and waited for a convenient time to get to the neighboring Poland. The man, 1993 DOB, arrived to Ukraine legally, he had passport, however, during the interview he reported to have intention to reach the countries of the Western Europe. By the court decision he was called to administrative responsibility according to the Article 204-1 of Code on Administrative Violations “Illegal cross or attempt to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine” and punishment was set in the form of the fine of 3400 UAH.


Border guards of Mukachevo Detachment obtained reinforcing for military personnel and additional equipment


picMukachevo Border Detachment received the next planned reinforcing from the reserves of SBGS of Ukraine (Kyiv) and Western Regional Department of SBGS of Ukraine (Lviv). It is said about 70 persons of military personnel and 14 units of equipment – 13 off-road vehicles and mobile thermal-imaging complex. This kind of reinforcement assists in situation stabilization at the border; however, statistics on violations testifies that reinforcement remains to be a relevant arrangement. Thus, since 2016 border guards of Mukachevo Detachment fixed 36 cases of illegal migration as a result of which 181 persons were apprehended.

However, border guards assert that it is already possible to speak about dynamics of decrease in the number of cases as to illegal migration through the state border. Thus, within the similar period in 2015, Mukachevo border guards detained 309 migrants in 85 cases. This year – it is almost 60% less.

Planned staff and technical reinforcement of border detachments is performed in the frames of operation “Border-2016”. Its objective is to stabilize the situation at the state border, make attempts of contraband and illegal migration to be impossible.


Border guards detained 8 illegal migrants from Afghanistan in Transcarpathia


picThe staff of State Border Guard Service detected 8 illegal migrants intending to reach neighboring Hungary in unlawful order. The violators were revealed by border detail of BS “Kosyno”, Mukachevo Detachment when they performed monitoring of the border. It was managed to apprehend them due to coordinated and consolidated actions of the border guards, which allowed them to prevent the attempt of illegal cross of the state border.

It should be marked that the seekers of better destiny were detected 20 m before the state border by the army conscript being a part of patrol. According to the words of disclosed persons, all of them were natives of Afghanistan. The travelers reported about their plans to get illegally to Hungary in order to arrange their further life in one of EU countries. So far, 4 men and 4 women are delivered to Border Service Department.
