Author Archives: oksana

About 330 thousand illegal and potential migrants were detained at the Ukrainian border


Illegal migration is one of the fundamental threats, which for many years has remained a problem not only for Ukraine but also for the EU countries.

It should be noted that due to its geopolitical location, over the past few decades Ukraine not passing illegal migrants to its territory has become a reliable shield of the external EU borders. It is only since independence the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine detained about 150 thousand of illegal migrants at the Ukrainian border, of which 123 thousand for illegally crossing of the border, and denied in entry to nearly 180 thousands of potential illegal migrants, and more than 40 thousand of illegal foreigners were deported from Ukraine.

However, over the last three years, attempts by migrants to cross illegally the border have decreased significantly: in 2015 – 1807 persons, 2016 – 1040 persons, in 2017 – 886).

It should be noted that the change in the flows of illegal migrants through Ukrainian territory to the Western Europe was preceded by painstaking daily work of the border guards. There were years, especially in 1994-1999-s, when the peak flow of the migrants was more than 65 thousand foreigners. In the next few years, due to the improvement of border protection system there was marked a a decline in illegal migration by 50-70%. However, in 2003-2005, the criminal elements restructured the flows and, as a consequence, there occurred intensification of illegal migration, mainly due to a significant increase of the migrants from the CIS countries. The next few years, the CIS citizens has remained to be the largest category of the irregular migrants. Since 2008 at the borders with EU countries it has been managed to reduce the number of attempts to breach the border by the illegal migrants by 10% in subsequent years a continuous decline in illegal migration is recorded. For example, in 2008, 3,4 thousand migrants were apprehended for illegal cross of the border, and in 2016 – 1.04 thousand.

Note that, as a rule, for the illegal migrants to move via the territory of Ukraine in the beginning they attempted to enter legally by valid document with a different purpose, in particular, education, tourism, business, private affairs. And soon, their further movement was organized to the Western area in order to cross illegally the border. Thus, there are records about the formation of a network of highly profitable criminal business, specializing in the illegal migration, in particular smuggling, production of counterfeit documents of high quality and the organization of transportation. The fight against this transnational criminal network is complicated due to an extensive activities of its representatives in various countries, which for the organization of illegal activities, use advanced communication.

To fully counteract illegal migration in Ukraine the appropriate normative-legal framework in the sphere of combating illegal migration has been established, a variety of public programs has been consistently implemented, coordination of integrated border management is improved as well international cooperation is developed with relevant European institutions and establishments of the EU countries.


Citizens of Moldova and Armenia were apprehended at the border on Moldova


The border guards of Belgorod-Dniester Detachment detained a woman from Armenia and a citizen of Moldova, who illegally crossed the Ukrainian-Moldovan border.

The border guards of BD “Stepanivka” detained 24-year-old Armenian woman together with 31-year-old Moldovan that night, who bypassed the checkpoint “Rozalivka” and illegally crossed the border from Moldova to Ukraine, hoping that they wouldn’t be noticed. The woman explained to the border guards that she had not all necessary documents for legal border crossing and previously she was prosecuted for violation of the stay rules on the territory of Ukraine, and therefore decided in such a way to get to Odessa. And her companion – the citizen of Moldova, being worried for her because she was pregnant, decided to help her.

Both travelers were brought to administrative responsibility for illegal cross of the border and returned back to Moldova. Source:

Foreigner’s trip by forged passport in the capital airport


The border guards Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” exposed a foreigner who resorted to cunning for illegal crossing of the border using a completely fake passport.

Thus, in the course of transit passengers list analysis, it became known that was a citizen of Iran arrived by the flight “Bangkok-Kiev-Istanbul”, who was not in this list. By mean of the cameras, it was determined that the passenger deliberately threw his passport in the capital’s airport and changed his clothes in the public toilet. Subsequently, the foreigner intended to continue his trip on another flight, namely “Kyiv-Prague-London” using a completely fake passport of the citizen of Israel.

So far, the person is handed to the staff of the airline aiming to further sending him to the country of origin.


Illegal migrant from Georgia was detained in Sumy


The border guards of Sumy Detachment together with the operational staff of SBGSU detained illegal migrant.

In the course of received information processing by the staff of SBGS about the possible smuggling of a group of illegal migrants across the border from Russia to Ukraine, the border patrol of the mobile subdivision directly on the border line in the area of the settlement Velyka Pysarivka stopped the car “Volkswagen” of Ukrainian registration driven by the Ukrainian. There was also a citizen of Georgia inside the vehicle.

It was previously established that the foreigner was illegally trafficked across the Russian-Ukrainian border.

So far, the emergency actions specified by the legislation are performed. The notification about the criminal offense under the Article 332 of the Crime Code of Ukraine is forwarded to the National Police (illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine).


In Kharkov the activity of the criminal group is suppressed being engaged in illegal legalization of the foreigners in Ukraine


The State Border Guard Service continues applying systematic measures to combat illegal migration across the state border.

According to the materials obtained by the investigative units of the Eastern Regional Office, in collaboration with the representatives of the Main Department of National Police in Kharkiv region under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor’s office liquidated the channel of illegal legalization of the citizens from Vietnam, China, Syria, Iraq and Nigeria through fictitious registration in higher educational institutions in Kharkiv.

In the framework of the criminal proceedings, as a result of numerous investigative actions, searches, interrogations and forensic inquiries the evidences were obtained on the crimes committed by the persons involved under some articles of the Crime Code of Ukraine.

Based on the data collected by the operational investigative units during pre-trial investigation of the actual information provided by the Head Department of National Police in Kharkiv region over 100 criminal proceedings for illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine and for forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms were additionally initiated.

Recently, it was reported about suspicion in crime commitment to the key person involved in criminal proceedings – the head of one of the higher educational institutions.

This officer, in fact, being the organizer of the channel of illegal migrants’ legalization, on the basis of fictitious registration pseudo-student, with the assistance of some representatives of law enforcement agencies, provided the registration of the citizens of Vietnam with the residence permits in Ukraine, which was used by the last, including, for crossing the border.

Currently, the pretrial investigation aiming to bring all members of the criminal groups to responsibility is continued.


Two Azerbaijani failed to get to Poland


Illegal migrants attempted to cross the border beyond the check points in Lviv region. However, local residents noticed the unknown persons in the suburb of the village and informed the border guards of Mostyskyi Detachment. Reaction group started to the place immediately and after locality inspection revealed two foreigners. The men did not have any documents, but introduced as the citizens of Azerbaijan. So far, the offenders are detained and sent to the Temporary Holding Facility. Previously it was established that the foreigners arrived to Ukraine as provided by the law, other details of infringement are established.


Four foreigners attempted to buy a permission to cross the border


The staff of SBGS registered four cases of unlawful gratuity, thus involving law enforcers into activity contrary to the law. The citizens of Turkey, Georgia and India tried to bribe the border guards of separate Check Point “Kyiv” offering them a bribe in amount of $620 in order to get positive decision as to their admission to the territory of Ukraine. In addition, the citizen of Uzbekistan offered the border guards of Lutsk detachment the gratuity in the amount of $10 in the check point “Domanove” at the border on Belarus in order to cross the state border without any obstacles. National Police was informed about all offenders as the signs of criminal crime were established provided by the Article 360 of the Crime Code of Ukraine “offer, promise or provision of unlawful gratuity to an official”.


Mother with 10-month child and tree men intended to cross the border at night


Three men and woman with child were apprehended by the border guards of Bilgorod-Dnistrovskyi Detachment last night in Odessa region for their attempt to cross the border. Two Ukrainians – both residents of border area, together with 34-year-old citizen of Moldova and her 10-months daughter tried illegally to get to the neighboring country beyond the check point “Rozalivka. Evidently, they were detained by the reaction group of the BD “Stepanivka”. Soon, the woman told the law enforcers that she decided to do this as she had lost her documents necessary for border crossing. Detainees were called to administrative responsibility for attempt to cross illegally the border. The woman’s relatives brought her documents from the neighboring country, identifying her and child, afterwards they returned home. One more violator – 23-year-old citizen of Moldova was also apprehended at night by the border guards of the neighboring department “Kuchurhan” at night. Having no passport documents he tried also to return to his country in illegal way. Protocols were drawn up as to the foreigner under the Part 2 Article 202 and 204-1 of Administrative Infringement Code of Ukraine.


Transcarpathian border guards detained a group of illegal migrants from Sri Lanka and five Vietnamese


Seven illegal migrants were apprehended by the border guards of Chop Detachment at night in Uzhhorod. Information about the group of Asians stay in the suburb of the town was received by the militaries from the Patrol Police. The border guards started immediately to the mentioned place and in the course of joint actions with Police the foreigners were detained. They had no documents, however, introduced themselves as the citizens of sri-Lanka. Soon, after the interview the detainees confessed that they arrived to Transcarpathia in order to get to the EU countries in illegal way. Illegal migrants were delivered to the department of BS “Uzhhorod” for conducting filtration actions and drawing up procedural documents. Upon establishing all circumstances they will be made responsible for attempt to cross the state border.


Three Vietnamese and two Turks were stopped at the outskirts of the borders on the EU


Five illegal immigrants were detained by the staff of SBGS close to the state line.

Three of them were stopped by the border guards of BD “Guta”, Chop Detachment in Transcarpathia. Two men and a woman traveled to the border on Slovakia. However, near the village of Kamenytsya they were noticed by a local resident and reported to the border guards, who immediately arrested the offenders.

After the necessary procedural measures were taken the undocumented detained persons, who introduced themselves as the citizens of Vietnam, were taken to the Temporary Detention Facility of Chop Detachment. The violators will be brought to administrative responsibility for their attempt to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine.

Two more foreigners planning to get to Poland beyond the checkpoint were detained by the border guards of BD “Shehyni”, Mostyskyi Detachment, in a result of information received from the the district inspector of Border Service in Lviv region. The border detail stopped the travelers 100 m before from the border line. The detained 22 and 42-year-old Turkish citizens, had documents and, as it turned out, they arrived to Ukraine in an established order. Currently the administrative protocols are drawn up as to the foreigners, the cases are sent to the court.
