Author Archives: oksana

Snow and barrage fences – is not an obstacle for a person in love from Kosovo


The offender attempting to get illegally to Ukrainian territory beyond the check point was apprehended by the border guards of BD “Kosyno”, Mukachevo district.

The 35-yer-old man had passport of the citizen of unrecognized Republic of Kosovo by Ukraine.  The border detail detained the foreigner 10 m before the border, when he tried to get over the barrage fence. He explained his action as if his wish to have a date with the girl in Ukraine, who resides in Rivne.

Currently, the foreigner is hold in the Temporary Holding Facility. The protocol on administrative infringement was drawn as to the detainee under the Part 1 Article 204 -1 of AICU; the case is forwarded to the court.


Five Africans tried to cross illegally the border of Ukraine


Five residents of the African continent, which in the illegal ways they tried to cross the border of Ukraine, found the staff of State Border Guards Service in the past day.

Three unknown persons, who had rushed from the village Krakovets towards the border on Poland, were revealed by the border guards of Mostyska Detachment last night in Lviv region. In order to detain the violators, the response team started immediately from the BD “Krakovets”, and stopped the travelers 100 meters before the border. They were two citizens of Algeria, born in 1985 and 1988, and a citizen of Morocco, born in 1985. The law enforcers found out that the Algerians were the students of one of the Ukrainian universities, and the Moroccan arrived to Ukraine by plane in the end of January this year.

The foreigners were detained in the administrative order, a judgment in a case concerning attempts of illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine committed by a group of persons, will be taken by the court. The sanction of the article provides for a punishment in the form of a fine in the amount up to 8500 UAH each. In future, the border guards will plead with the court on forced expulsion of the students and their travel companion from Ukraine.

Another travelling girl from Africa, who tried to cross illegally the border of Ukraine, was detected by the border guards of the Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” in “Boryspil”. The citizen of Congo attempted to get to Slovakia by a false French visa. However, she was sent to Istanbul by a back flight.

In addition, the citizen of African continent was found in the airport of Zaporrizhzhya by the border guards of the Berdyansk Detachment. He intended to cross the border by the passport not belonging to him.


Illegal migrants with small children were apprehended nearby the border by law enforcers


Five illegal migrants, intending to cross illegally the border on Hungary and then to get to the EU countries, were detained in the evening in the framework of the target preventive action “Migrant” by the border guards together with the staff of the National Police.

Having received information about the appearance of some people of non-Slavic appearance in the border area, the law enforcers found and detained five persons without any documents on the outskirts of the village Dyida, Berehovo district, Transcarpathia. Two of the detainees were small children, of 1.5 years and 3 years old. Their parents reported that they were the citizens of Tajikistan. Another detainee said he was a citizen of Uzbekistan.

Administrative protocols were prepared as to the detainees. Currently, they are kept in Mukachevo Temporary Detention Facility. The actions on establishing the circle of persons, being involved in the organization of illegal migrants’ trip, are still continued.

The further destiny of the travelers and assessment of their actions will be determined by the court.


Five forged documents were detected by border guards in “Boryspil”


The border guards of Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” detected five forgeries of the documents in the international airport “Boryspil”, which were used by the citizens while crossing the state border of Ukraine.

Two citizens of Sri Lanka had Schengen visa, which contained the signs of partial forgery. The foreigners travelled by transit through Kyiv to Vienna.

Three other cases of counterfeiting were recorded in the documents owned by the Iranian citizens. The first Iranian attempting to get to Dusseldorf with partly forged passport of the citizen of Latvia was found during the documents re-verification. The man paid 9 000 EUR for the forged passport in order to get to Germany.

Another “seeker of a better life” was detected having completely fake passport document of Italian citizen. The Iranian paid for it  500 EUR. The foreigner planned to get to Paris by this forgery.

And one more traveler was revealed having a completely forged passport of the citizen of Estonia. He wished to get to Sweden by it. The foreigner paid 9000 EUR for happiness to be Estonian.

All citizens were refused in crossing the state border of Ukraine.


Border guards were offered a bribe of 600 USD in Boryspil


In the past days the foreigners tried to bribe the border guards of the Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” four times in the Boryspil Airport.

In the first case, the citizen of Azerbaijan tried positively affecting the admission through the state border by means of the bribes. The man, born in 1990, arrived to Kiev by flight from Istanbul. The person was refused in crossing the border because he exceeded the duration of his previous stay. In order to solve the “problem” the citizen tried to bribe the border guard for the amount of 250 UDS.

In another case, a citizen of Georgia, who arrived from Tbilisi, tried to bribe the border guard in the amount of $ 100. This was the sum the man estimated his illegal pass through the border without any verified purpose of his stay on the territory of the country.

A citizen of Nigeria, who was also unable to confirm his actual purpose of stay on the territory of Ukraine, tried to influence upon the decision on border pass by offering illegal remuneration in the amount of $ 150.

Another case of unlawful benefit offer was registered by the border guards from a citizen of Iraq. The foreigner was denied in border crossing due to the unconfirmed purpose of his stay on the territory of Ukraine. However, he also decided to try and offered a bribe in the amount of $ 100 for border pass.

All the citizens were explained their liability for attempt of bribing the officials. The staff of the National Police was informed about bribe offer. Currently, the foreigners are waiting for their return by a back flight.


Border guards detained a seeker of better life


African was detained at the railway checkpoint “Chop”. During the documents check, one of the passengers of the train “Kyiv – Vienna” presented the passport of the UK citizen for control. However, the border guards established that the document did not belong to the owner and was used illegally. That is why the African was not allowed to travel abroad and was detained in an administrative order. The offender did not have any documents, but introduced himself as a citizen of Gambia. According to his explanation, the passport, which he tried to use, belonged to his brother, his planned to get to Hungary.

Currently, the detainee was taken to the Temporary Holding Facility of Chop Border Detachment. After his identification he will be brought to administrative responsibility under the Part 2 Article 204-1 of the AICU “Illegal cross or attempt to  cross illegally the state border of Ukraine”. In addition, the foreigner will hold responsible for criminal offence committal provided by the Part 3 Article 357 of the Crime Code of Ukraine “Theft, misappropriation, extortion of documents, stamps, seals, gaining possession of them by fraud or abuse of official position or their faulting”.

It will be recall that a few days ago in the same checkpoint the border guards detained a citizen of Ghana who tried to travel to Vienna for someone’s identification card.


Three citizens of India were apprehended on the edge of the border on Poland


Three Indian citizens were detained by the border guards of Lviv Detachment during their attempt to cross illegally the state border.

Information about unknown persons’ appearance nearby the Ukrainian-Polish was reported to the border guards of BD “Rava-Ruska” by the employees of Operative Search Divisions of State Border Guard Service.

During the information processing, detail composed of border guards and investigators found and detained 3 citizens of India. They intended to bypass the checkpoints in order to get into the EU.

The detainees having documents and arriving to Ukraine within the established procedure were taken to the unit by the border guards to clarify the circumstances of the offense and drawing up administrative documents.


19-year-old Ukrainian and citizen of Uzbekistan tried to cross the border for bribes


Last night, the border guards of Mukachevo Detachment recorded an attempt of giving unlawful remuneration at the checkpoint “Dyakove” at the border on Romania.

19-year-old citizen of Ukraine attempted to draw border guards into unlawful activities. The girl traveled from Romania to Ukraine and had duly executed documents for crossing the border by car she arrived to the checkpoint. The Ukrainian woman tried to give unlawful remuneration in the amount of 500 UAH to solve the issue on her crossings through the border . The border guards categorically refused, and in fact of bribe offer was reported to the staff of the National Police.

The border guards of Kharkiv detachment during passengers registration of the flight “Istanbul-Kharkiv” in the checkpoint “Kharkiv-air” has discovered a fake ID owned by one of the passengers. A citizen of Uzbekistan, traveling to Ukraine, provided his passport, in which the inspector of the Border Guard Service found a fake date-stamps about the border cross. Realizing that he was exposed, the foreigner offered the inspector a cash compensation in the amount of $ 50 for free admission across the state border.

However, such a proposal was rejected by the border guard and issuing the relevant documents the foreigner was handed over to the Police for further legal decisions.


The citizen of Nigeria tried to bribe border guards for 500 USD in Boryspil Airport


The citizen of Nigeria traveling to Ukraine tried to bribe the border guards of Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” in the airport “Boryspil”.

A young man, born in 1996, arrived from Istanbul, tried to influence upon a positive decision regarding his pass to the territory of Ukraine by giving an unlawful remuneration in the amount of $ 500.

The border guard replied with a categorical refusal. The foreigner is prohibited to enter the territory of Ukraine for the period of 3 years; later on he was returned by a back flight.

The staff of National Police was informed about bribe offer.


Woman with a strange Austrian document and Russians with false certificate were apprehended at the border


SBGS staff revealed a citizen of Ghana at the railway crossing point “Chop”, who tried to cross the border from Ukraine by Austrian ID card. The woman was traveling to Austria by train “Kyiv – Vienna”.

During the check of the documents, she presented for control an ID-card instead of the foreign passport, as it turned out it was issued to another person. This was the basis for not passing the “traveler” abroad and bringing her to administrative responsibility for illegal crossing or attempt to cross illegal the state border of Ukraine. In addition, in the course of further verification, the guards found other documents, including the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Ghana, the Ukrainian residence permit and student ticket of one of the universities of the Sumy region. Currently, the law enforcement agents have been establishing, where 27-year-old woman got a strange document and who helped her in the illegal voyage. Except the administrative penalty, the violator will have to answer for the criminal offense under the Part 3 Article 357 of the Crime Code of Ukraine “theft, misappropriation, extortion of documents, stamps, seals, gaining possession of them by fraud or abuse of official position or their faulting”.

One more foreigner was detained at the airport in Zaporizhzhya. The offender was a citizen of Russia. During the verification, a fake ID for permanent residence in Ukraine was found in his stuff. Currently, a decision has made as to the man to ban his entry into the territory of Ukraine for the period of 3 years and he was brought to administrative responsibility.
