Author Archives: oksana

Refugees in Europe: Austria plans to add Ukraine to the list of safe countries


Austria plans to list Ukraine as a safe country of origin of refugees.

This was discussed during a briefing press-conferences of the President of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen and Petro Poroshenko in Vienna, as reported by  UKRINFORM.

In particular, Poroshenko has stated that he supports the desire of Austria.

“I fully support this wish of Austria (to add Ukraine to the list of safe countries of refugees’ origing – ed.). We are ready to establish effective cooperation”, – he said.

In this context, he noted that even during the Russian aggression led to the emergence of 1 million 600 thousand displaced persons in Ukraine, we have “extremely effectively settled this”.

“We are very proud of not making any problems to any of our neighbors. And it’s pleasant that today the individual countries come to study and learn from our experience”, – said Poroshenko.

Under the Geneva Convention, a refugee is one who left the country “due to the sufficiently grounded fear of becoming a victim of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion and is unable or unwilling to take advantage of protection in his/her country.”

The key factor is not the military conflict within the country, but the inability of the country to provide its citizens with protection.


Illegal migrant from Turkey was apprehended in Lviv region


For the past day, the staff of SBGS revealed a foreigner intending to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine.

Thus, the border guards of BD “Migovo”, Mostyskyi Detachment noticed the movement of an unknown person during check in. A foreigner was detained 400 meters before the state by the border police, who had the passport of Turkish citizen.

Concerning the last violator the protocol was drafted according to the Article 204-1 of the AICU (Illegal cross or attempt of illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine). The case is forwarded to court.


Citizen of Azerbaijan failed to bribe the border guards


The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine continues systematic fight against corruption. The border guards of Kharkiv Detachment found the foreigner being prohibited to enter the country in the checkpoint “Kupyansk” at the border on Russia, while checking the passengers of the train “Baku – Kharkov”. In order to “solve” the issue of unhindered crossing of the state border the citizen of Azerbaijan, born in 1981, offered the law enforcement authorities an unlawful monetary compensation in the amount of 2 thousand Russian rubles.

The border guards refused to accept the bribe, but this fact was documented. The citizen of Azerbaijan was sent to department of National Police as well as the statement was forwarded as to the wrongful act containing signs of a criminal offense under the Article 369 (offer, promise or provision of undue advantage to a service person) of the Crime Code of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of 2018, this is the eighth documented case when the border guards of Kharkiv Border Detachment were offered bribes by the citizens.


The border guards identified more than 440 forged, invalid and other documents for a month at the checkpoints.


Two offenders were found by the border guards during the border control at the checkpoints on the state border.

Thus, the border guards of Belgorod-Dniester Detachment stopped citizen of Moldova in Odessa region. The woman tried to get to Ukraine as a passenger of one of the cars, however, she provided someone’s foreign passport. As the woman said, she took the document from her friend.

Note that only within one month of this year the staff of SBGS discovered over 440 forged, invalid and other documents in the course of verification measures and registration of persons at the checkpoints on the state border.


Border guards detained 3 citizens of Iraq attempting to get to Ukraine with forged passports at the airports of Odessa and Kiev


The border guards found and detained two citizens of Iraq with false passports at the international airport “Odessa” during registration of the passengers for the flight “Istanbul-Odessa».

Thus, during verification process the border detail had doubts as to the validity of passport documents owned by the citizens, who arrived for registration. As to the results of the in-depth review of submitted documents the fact of forgery of the information page in the passports was confirmed.

The offenders were not passed and returned in the opposite direction. The passport documents were confiscated.

Another person having false document was revealed by the border guards in the check point “Boryspil”. The offender arrived by the flight “Baku-Kiev” and tried to get to Ukraine by false passport of a citizen of the UK. Since the man had one more passport, it became known that he was a citizen of Iraq.

Now, the foreigner will be returned by a back flight.


Border guards revealed foreigners violating the stay rules in Ukraine


Joint interagency group, which includes members of the investigative units of SBGS, the border guards, the representatives of the National police and Migration Service in the framework of the operational preventive actions “Migrant”, the citizens of Russia and Iraq were revealed violating the Ukrainian legislation.

In the course of the planned activities performance in the village of Gorky, Putivl district, the law enforcement officers of BD “Nova Sloboda”, Sumy Detachment, detected the citizen of Russia who lived in Ukraine having a residence permit, the validity of which expired in 2015.

Currently, for violation of the stay rules in Ukraine the administrative materials under Part 1 Art. 203 of AICU were drawn up as to the 47-year-old Russian. Further legal decision with regard to the Russian will be made by staff of Migration Service.

And at the airport “Kharkiv” the border guards of Kharkiv Detachment together with interacting authorities identified the Iraqi citizen, who might have been involved in organizing a channel of illegal migration to Ukraine and Europe.

In September last year, the 32-year-old Iraqi citizen, invited 4 citizens of Iraq by the notarial consent to the territory of Ukraine. The man ensured their place of residence and timely departure from Ukraine, but being on the territory of Ukraine till the present time the foreigners have violated the stay rules in Ukraine. So far, the search actions continue as for his four wards.

The staff of State Migration Service of Ukraine has drawn up the Protocol on administrative offense for violation of order to grant housing, vehicles and assistance in the provision of other services to the foreigners, and imposed an administrative penalty in the form of a fine.

Currently, the issue on deprivation of the offender’s residence permit on the territory of Ukraine is under consideration.


Illegal immigrants from Turkey and their traffickers were detained at border on Poland


The law enforcement officers have prevented the trafficking of illegal migrants from Turkey and arrested two people involved in the attempt to move them across the state border on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

The border guards of BD “Shehyni”, Mostytskyi Border Detachment together with the staff of Security Service of Ukraine in Lviv region prevented the illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine by two citizens of Turkey.

Information about seekers of better life was received by the border guards from the security personnel, correspondingly the border protection was strengthened and the services of additional reserves were involved. Two persons, Turkish citizens, were detained 500 meters before the border on Poland, but after a while the group of power support of the border guards’ operational-investigative units stopped the car with two of their traffickers.

The Turkish citizens were detained in administrative order; the decision on the case concerning attempts of illegal border crossing will be made by the court. So far, the operative and investigation actions are performed as to the persons involved in attempting to smuggle, a circle of persons probably involved in this crime.


Staff of State Border Guard Service and Migration Service in Odessa region detained 4 illegal immigrants from Bangladesh


The staff of operational units of the Southern Regional Department of SBGSU together with the representatives of the State Migration Service and the Directorate of the National police in the Odessa region carried out a number of activities to identify the violators of immigration laws.

Due to the joint actions of law enforcement officers, in the village Prylemanske, Odessa region, 4 illegal migrants, citizens of Bangladesh, were revealed.

During these actions it was established that all identified foreigners arrived from the Southern Asia, stayed in Ukraine violating the existing immigration laws. The foreigners were detained for making the court decision.


Three foreign violators were detected by border guards in the capitals’ airports


The border guards of Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” detected three foreigners with forged documents and wanted by Interpol.

The staff of the Border Department exposed the citizen of Ghana at the time of registration of passengers of flight “Kiev-Bergamo” in the international airport “Boryspil”, who provided someone’s passport for control belonging to a citizen of Italy. In the course of circumstance clarification the law enforcement officers found the Italian, a native of Ghana, on the specified flight. It was she passing the passport to the detainee, which belonged to a third party.

The protocol was drawn up as to the man according to Article 204-1 of the AICU (Illegal cross or attempt of illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine), in respect of a foreigner-woman a message was sent about signs of a criminal offense detection under the Article 332 CCU (Illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine). The foreigners were handed to the staff of National Police.

In the airport “Zhulyany” during verification of documents of the passengers for the flight “Ankara-Kiev” the staff of SBGS exposed a Turkish citizen, who was wanted by Interpol for rape and citizen of Turkmenistan having fake residence permit in Ukraine, which he bought for 18 thousand UAH. Information about Turkish offender was sent to Ukrainian Bureau of Interpol in Kyiv.


Two foreigners with false passports were revealed in Boryspil Airport


Two foreigners attempting to cross the state border with forged documents were found by the staff of SBGS at the airport “Boryspil”.

Last night the border guards of Separate border post “Kyiv” at the checkpoint “Boryspil” during the inspection of passengers for flight “Kiev – Madrid” false passports of Bulgarian citizens were found in two Turkish citizens.

Corresponding protocols were drawn up as to the violators. The foreigners were handed to the staff of National Police.
