Author Archives: oksana

Border guards detained two Moroccans in Odessa region


The border guards detained illegal migrants in the checkpoint “Illichivsk Fishing port” at the time of ship  registration “Sea Partner” arrived from Turkey.

Information about two unknown persons was received by the border guards from the truck driver. He saw two men, approximately 30 years of age, cutting through the awning of the trailer and trying to escape to the port. Both illegal immigrants were detained almost in 5 minutes. Illegal migrants were the citizens of Morocco.

At this time, the foreigners were returned to the ship and sent back to Turkey.


Border guards detained a group of illegal migrants from Afghanistan and Bangladesh


The border guards of Chop Detachment detained 7 citizens of Afghanistan and Bangladesh near the state border of Ukraine in the late evening.

The district inspector General of BD “Guta” has received information from the operational staff of the State Border Guard Service about the appearance of citizens of Asian appearance, presumably illegal migrants. After a while, the police inspector found and arrested 7 men, 4 – Afghan citizens and 3 citizens of Bangladesh. The citizens did not have any identity documents.

Currently, the detainees were taken to the Border Guard Division, materials on administrative violations were drawn up as to the attempt to violate illegally the state border of Ukraine.

Also, the activities continue on establishment of the persons involved in the organization of illegal immigrants smuggling across the border. A decision on the case against the foreigners will be made by the court.


Citizen of Iran intended to get to Brussels by forged passport


The citizen of Iraq attempting to get illegally to Belgium was detected by the border guards of separate check point “Kyiv” in the Boryspil Airport. The document, namely the forged ID-card was revealed by the border guards when verifying the document of one of the passengers traveling by transit via Ukraine. The traveler planned to get to Brussels then. Currently, the persons are sent by a back flight.


Results of target preventive actions “Migrant”


During inspection of the regular buses at the Novovolynsk town bus station the joint detail composed of the district inspector of BD “Morozovychi” and “Ambukiv”, Lviv Detachment, as well as the representatives of National Police in Volyn region found the citizens of Libya, Syria and Algeria, two of which violated the stay rules on the territory of Ukraine.

Concerning the citizens of Libya and Syria the protocols on administrative infringement was drafted under the Part 1 Article 203 of AICU ( violation of the stay rules in Ukraine and transit pass through the territory of Ukraine by the foreigners and stateless persons).

Mentioned persons were handed to the staff of State Migration Service of Ukraine in Volyn region.

In total, the border guards of Lviv Detachment together with the representatives of State Migration Service and National Police revealed 396 offenders of migration legislation in the frames of target preventive actions titled “Migrant” and the fine for the violation made up 240 thousand UAH.


Three citizens of Russia asked for asylum in Ukraine due to persecution in the RF


Only during the last week three citizens of Russia agreed 45, 38 and 27 being persecuted in the Russian Federation asked for refugee status at the state border of Ukraine.

One of them arrived in the morning to the check point “Kyiv-passenger” and during check in he applied with an oral request to recognize him as a refugee or person in need of subsidiary protection. According to the words of the Russian, he took part in the meetings against the corruption and Russian opposition, in particular, persecution done by Oleksiy Navalskyi in the Russian Federation.

The other citizen of Russia, also in the same check point, asked for refugee status some days ago. The Russian told that he was forced to flee and ask for asylum in Ukraine because he was persecuted by the Russian law enforcement agencies for his participation in the actions against the Russian power.

One more citizen of Russia asked for protection as to his persecution by the bodies of Russian Federation in one of the check point in Chernihiv some days ago.

The staff of SBGS explained the citizens of Russia the order of application for protection in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and directed them to State Migration Service of Ukraine.


Border guards found forged German visas in the Odessa Airport


The border guards of Odessa Detachment found forged documents belonging to three citizens of Turkey in the check point “Odessa-air”.

The border guards established that the foreigners using forged visa labels of Germany, purchased for 5 000 euro, intended to get illegally through Ukraine to Berlin. However, they were revealed by the Ukrainian border guards.

The violators were rejected in crossing the state border and banned to enter Ukraine for the period of three years.


Results of the special operation “Border-2017”


Special border operation “Border-2017” was conducted from April 11 till November 30 of the current year at the initiative and under the general coordination of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Except the SBGS, there were also territorial bodies of interacting structures participating in the operation, in particular, Security Service of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine, Ukrainian National Guard, Migration Service of Ukraine, State Fiscal Service. In addition, Ukrainian Railways Station, Ukrainian Air Connection and radio-technical subdepartments of Air Forces of Ukraine also took part in it in the frames of their competition. It is important that the resources of Border Guard Departments of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and international organizations, such as FRONTEX, EU Mission EUBAM, INTERPOL, EUROPOL were also involved in these actions.

“Border-2017” aimed at reduction of unlawful activity level at the border, prejudiced reaction upon the predicted development of the situation. Namely, these were the counteraction to illegal migration, unlawful transportation of excisable goods, drugs, weapon and ammunition smuggling through the state border.

In a result of operation, in total 520 illegal migrants, 1.3 thousand violators of the state border and almost 930 persons violating the border regime were apprehended in Ukraine. Almost 1 thousand potential migrants were rejected to pass the state border of Ukraine.


Jordanian was apprehended nearby the border in Transcarpathia


District inspector of Border Guard Service together with the staff of National Police detained a citizen of Jordan in the frames of special operation “Migrant”. The man was in the controlled border area without any appropriate documents. The foreigner could not confirm the aim of his stay in the border zone. The man introduced himself as a student of Poltava University.

The Jordanian will be also called to administrative responsibility under the Article 202 of AICU “Violation of border regime, regime in the check points of the state border of Ukraine or regime rules in the entry points.


Transcarpathian border guards detained two illegal migrants from Turkey


The foreigners intending to get illegally to the European Union were apprehended by the border guards of BD “Guta”, Chop Detachment, in the morning. Having no any documents two illegal migrants attempted to get through the woods to the Ukrainian-Slovakian border. The militaries hindered their plans noticing the motion of unknown persons 500 m before the state border. The violators, introduced as the citizens of Turkey, were detained for attempt to overcome the barrage fence. As it was established by the border guards one of the detainees was caught already the second time for crossing the state border. Currently, the violators are delivered to the BD “Guta” in order to undergo filtration measures and drawing up appropriate procedural documents. Upon persons’ identification they will be called to administrative responsibility under the Part 2 Art. 204-1 AICU “Illegal cross or attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine”



Bribes amounts grow in proportion to the integrity of the border guards


The staff of SBGS recorded four cases of offering bribes at the checkpoints on the border.

Thus, the border guards Mostyskyi Detachment documented two attempts of undue remuneration in the amount of $100 and $ 50 at the checkpoint “Krakovets”.  The citizens of Turkey and Germany in such a way intended to solve the issue of unobstructed crossing of the state border.

And in the check point “Boryspil” in the course of border control actions, the law enforcers of the Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” refused the citizen of Azerbaijan to cross the border. The foreigner tried to bribe the border guards and offered them a monetary reward in the amount of 1,000 hryvnia.

It will be noted that for the criminal offense commitment under Part 1 Article 369 of the Crime Code of Ukraine (Offer, promise or granting illegal benefit to the official person) a person is punished by a fine from five hundred to seven hundred fifty untaxed minimal incomes of the citizens or freedom restriction for a period of two to four years, or imprisonment for the same term.
