Cadet-border guards apprehended 3 illegal migrants


picBorder guards detected and detained a group of persons attempting to cross the border and get to EU countries in illegal way in the area of Berehovo district, Transcarpathian region. Border detail in the composition of cadets of National Academy of SBGSU discovered unfamiliar persons moving towards the state border were discovered by means of mobile thermal imager. it will be marked that cadets have arrived to Mukachevo recently within the frames of active measures strengthening focusing upon fight against the unlawful activity at the border.

Trying to overcome the protective fence three “travelers” realized to be notices by the border guards and start to run away. However, they failed to do this, and in a result of planned and agreed actions of future border guards the illegal migrants were apprehended. They did not have any documents. According to the detainees’ words they were the citizens of Syria, the other – from Egypt, and more from Pakistan.

Detainees were delivered to Border Department. So far, there is establishment of the circumstances and preparation of administrative-procedural documents. Decision on responsibility before the law and their further destiny will be determined by the court.

Regardless of cold weather conditions, the foreigners got frozen much, and smugglers left them to the mercy of life.


Border guards detained two violators intending to get to EU countries in unlawful way


picBorder guards of BS “Knyagynya” of Chop Detachment detained two citizens of Ukraine intending to get to the countries of European Union in unlawful way.

Thus, a motion of unfamiliar person was noticed by Slovakian colleagues, who informed Ukrainian ones immediately. Not loosing time the law enforcement agents started searching actions at once. As a result of operative information exchange a man without any documents was apprehended 150 m before the state border line. According to his words it was established that he was the citizen of Ukraine.

One more “happiness seeker” was apprehended by the border guards, when he attempted to overcome the barrage fence. As usually, the violator did not have any documents, however, he explained to be the citizen of Ukraine (DOB 1991) residing in Zaporizhya region.

Both violators were delivered to the Detention Center of Chop Border Detachment to establish the circumstances of the offense and prepare procedural documents. As it was established later, the men were detained not for the first time by the border guards, who attempted to cross illegally the border. Their fate will be determined by the court decision.


Border guards detected two Moroccans arrived to Ukraine to “have a walk” nearby the Polish border


picIn the frames of Border Operation “BORDER-2016” border guards of BS “Belz” detained two citizens of Morocco, who attempted to cross the state border from Ukraine to Poland in illegal way. The men were exposed by the border guards with the help of local residents of Zabolottya, Sokalskyi district. They informed the border guards about the appearance of unfamiliar persons in the village asking about the location of the border line. During the check the men had identifying documents. Also, they mentioned as if walking at the border with tourist purpose, however, they blanked out in their statements – in one case the tourists were from Lvov, in the other one – they were students from Kharkov. So far, detainees are delivered to Border Department to clarify all circumstances.


Border guards detected Syrian in the airport, who intended to get to Great Britain


picIllegal migrant from Syria was disclosed by the border guards of Odessa Detachment on the boat arrived to Chornomorsk from Turkey. Unfamiliar person intending to leave the boat was noticed by a border detail at night. Detainee introduced himself as the citizen of Syria. It was established that he got to Turkey in illegal way and then to the Ukrainian territory in the same way wishing to reach Great Britain. After migrant’s detention surveying groups of border guards conducted an examination of freight transportations presenting on this boat. However, no any other strange persons, articles or materials had been found.


Three Georgians were detained at Polish border


picBorder guards of Mostyskyi Detachment, Lviv region, in cooperation with Polish colleagues detained 3 citizens of Georgia, who tried to cross the state border of Ukraine in illegal way. Border guards of BS “Nyzhankovychi” protecting the part of the Ukrainian-Polish border within Sambir district, Lviv region, received information from the Polish border guards about the movement of unknown persons towards the border. Colleagues reported about seeing three men with rucksacks traveling in the direction of Poland and looking for a place of easier overcoming the engineering obstacles. Reaction group arrived to the place immediately and after a few minutes three men were found being without any documents. The detainees were Georgian citizens (DOB 1978, 1981 and 1987), who a day before legally arrived to Ukraine and in the search of future employment in Europe were aimed to move illegally over Ukrainian-Polish border. The Georgians made their route themselves and came to the border by public transport at night.

The men were detained in administrative order and their documents were prepared for consideration in the court as to bringing them to justice for the attempt to trespass the state border of Ukraine illegally.


Two illegal migrants from India attempted to get to Hungary from Transcarpathia


picTwo illegal migrants were apprehended by the border guards of BS “Kosyno” of Mukachevo Detachment close to Hungarian border. The foreigners left 40 meters to reach the cherished Europe deciding to cross the border in illegal way. According to the words of the detainees it was learned that they were natives of India and planned to get to one of EU countries. The men were delivered to Border Service Department in order to conduct filtration measures as well as drawing up required administrative protocols. The court will perform the legal evaluation of the actions. The court establishes a circle of persons involved in organization of foreigners’ smuggling over the border.


Border guards revealed Pseudo-French wishing as if to be a footballer in Ukraine

picThe staff of State Border Guard Service revelaed the citizen of Cote d’Ivoir, who intended to get to one of EU countries using someone’s document of the French citizen.

Thus, the border guards of Lutsk Detachment detected document in one of the passengers of the bus Rivne-Warsaw, ehich belonged to a pseud-bearer during check in in the International Check Point for automobile traffic “Yagodyn”. The person was invited to the service office for calrification of all circumstances and preparation of procedural documents.

When verification measures were performed it was established that it was 23-year-old citizen of Cote d’Ivoir arriving to Ukraine in March of the current year by means of personal foreign passport and short-term visa for seven days.

According to his words he arrived for casting to Ukrainian Football Club and made an advance payment of 1 200 euro to the agent. however, coming to another country he uderstood to be cheated/ Staying longer in Ukraine he spent all his money and could not buy any ticket to return back home. Also, his passport was stolen. And soon, he got acquainted with the citizen of France, who sent him someone’s passport to be used when reaching European Union.

At the present moment, procedural documents are prepared as to the foreigner for his attempt to cross the state border in illegal way. Decision is to be made regarding his compulsory return to his homeland.



Border guards stopped three migrants from China, India and Turkey intending illegally reach EU


picBorder guards of Mostyskyi Detachment stopped a man of Asian appearance near the crossing point for rail way road who tried to jump over the checkpoint’s fence. Detainee was 29-year-old citizen of China, which came on the eve of Russia legally, however, having no Polish visa he decided on his own to get to Western Europe. The man explained that he deliberately bypassed the checkpoint and considered this fence to be the border on Poland, and the least he expected to be stopped by the border guards. For an attempt to breach the state border the citizen was called to administrative responsibility. Later a court decision will force a decision on citizen’s deportation from Ukraine.

One more foreigner, the citizen of Turkey, also trying to get to Poland in illegal way, was stopped in the suburb of the checkpoint “Shegeni”. Border detail detected the man moving towards the border. Reaction group immediately arrived to the place detaining the violator just at the border. It was the citizen of Turkey without any documents. The man was apprehended in administrative order for identification and calling to responsibility.

In other case, border guards of Mukachevo detachment stopped the “traveler” overcoming the barrage fence in order to get to Hungary. The foreigner having no documents explained that he was the citizen of India and intended to improve his life conditions in one of EU countries.

So far, the man is delivered to Border Department to perform filtration measures and prepare appropriate administrative protocols.


In Transcarpathia smuggler took Asians captive and demanded a ransom


picTranscarpathian SSU staff together with Police in one of the populated areas disclosed local residents planning to smuggle a group of illegal migrant over the state border of Ukraine to EU. The organizers of the channel received payment in advance from eight natives of southern-eastern Asia for their “services”. However, one of the malefactors regarded the sum insufficient and he closed the foreigners in the basement of his private house. The migrants were kept in inhuman conditions as hostages, and their relatives were threatened by the malefactor by physical reprisal if additional means would not be paid. He made video to confirm his unlawful activity. The SSU detectives and police freed the foreigners. Operative-investigation group works at the place. An issue is under solution with regard to criminal proceeding opening under the Article 147 and 332 of Crime Code of Ukraine.


Transcarpathian border guards apprehended three illegal migrants


picBorder guards of Mukachevo Detachment apprehended three migrants from Yemen nearby Hungarian border. Border guards stopped the violators while processing received operative information the previous day. Unfamiliar persons moving towards the state border were revealed by means of the mobile night-vision device. Reaction group started to the place of detection immediately, which detained three men 20 m before the border line. Two detainees provided identification documents proving them to be the citizens of Yemen. One more detainees being also from Yemen had passport of the citizen of Ukraine. all detainees were delivered to BS “Luzhanka”. Circumstance of foreigners appearance in the area is established. Police staff was also informed about the detention of illegal migrants as well as discovering signs of infringements, which is stipulated by part 2 Article 332 of Crime Code of Ukraine.
