Author Archives: oksana

Transcarpathian police detained 5 offenders near the border


During the night patrol the border guards of BU “Velyka Palad”, Mukachevo Detachment noticed the unknown persons moving towards the state border. The soldiers immediately began to pursue the offenders making several warning shots. Despite the legal requirements of the border guards the offenders did not stop. Moreover, one of the runaways, being already caught by the guards, tried to hit the soldier and apply a gas canister. With the help of physical impact the border guards detained the aggressive man.

Four other fugitives and the car of Hungarian registration, arrived to the border, were detained the military personnel of Mukachevo Detachment together with the staff of Vynohradovo Department of the patrol police.


Representatives of State Border Guard Service took part in the meeting of the Joint Committee on Readmission


Recently, the 11th annual Ukrainian-European meeting of the Joint Committee on Readmission took place in Ukraine.

During the event the following questions were discussed: existing progress of Ukraine and the EU on the conclusion of agreements and implementation protocols on readmission of persons, as well as problematic issues for the effective implementation of the Agreement between Ukraine and EU on readmission of persons.

In particular, it was informed that Ukraine today has already concluded 4 implementing protocols to the above-mentioned Agreement, namely with Austria, Estonia, Czech Republic and Poland, dialogue with another 20 member countries of the EU on conclusion similar protocols is in process. Thus, Protocol between Ukraine and the Benelux countries is on the final stage of the negotiation.

Also, this year Ukraine has ratified readmission agreements with Moldova and Switzerland, the agreement on readmission between Ukraine and Belarus signing is expected to take place. The corresponding negotiations are actively conducted with the states of migration risk – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the like.

During the meeting the representative of the European Agency FRONTEX noted a positive experience of the Ukrainian border guards in the implementation of illegal migrants’ accompaniment, who refuse to fulfil a court decision about their forced expulsion, and proposed to continue the practice of joint operations in supporting and training of border guards in this area.

In general, the representatives of the European side stressed the excellent cooperation with Ukraine not only in the field of readmission, but also in the field of migration. The next meeting of the Joint Committee on readmission is planned to be held in September 2019 in the city Of Kyiv.


Transcarpathian Police caught five illegal migrants, who were hiding in the bushes in the border area


Patrol police of Uzhhorod District Department nearby the village Hlyboke detected a suspicious person after verification of the territory under the service. The man was hiding in the bushes.  The law enforcers later on found four more persons in the woods. None of them had documents that would confirm their identity and provide them the right to stay in Ukraine. Department for Fight against Crimes connected with Human Trafficking in the Transcarpathian region found that all five were the citizens of a foreign country who wanted to get into the EU through Transcarpathia.

Illegal migrants were taken to Uzhhorod District Police, after performing all necessary actions the individuals will be handed to the appropriate services. Preliminary legal qualification – article 332 of the Criminal code of Ukraine, i.e. the illegal trafficking of people across the border.


Another “seekers of better life” were detained in Lviv region


After some time the response unit detained three Iranian citizens, one man and two women, intending to go to neighbouring country beyond the checkpoints.

In the framework of the investigative action, the law enforcers stopped the car “KIA” of Ukrainian registration. There was a driver and a stateless passenger in the car. As it turned out, they assisted in smuggling these foreigners across the border.

The police drew up the corresponding protocols and forwarded them National Police.



Lviv border guards detained 11 illegal migrants


In the course of verification of the information provided to the staff of the SBGS by the local residents, the border guards of BU “Hrushiv” detained 11 foreigners, who planned illegally to cross the state border of Ukraine. The “seekers of better destiny” were the citizens of Turkey, six of them were children. Currently, the detainees are hold in the border unit in order to establish all circumstances of the offence commitment.


Illegal migrants from India were apprehended at the border on Slovakia


The agents of the Western Regional Department of the SBGS provided the border guards with the information about foreigners’ stay in the suburb of village Onokivtsi, Uzhhorod district. Reaction group started to the place immediately. The unknown persons were found and detained a kilometer before the state border. Both men had passport documents of the Indian citizens. In the course of the verification measures it was managed to establish that the foreigners intended to get to Slovakia beyond the check points. The citizens of India are brought to administrative responsibility under Part 2 Article 204-1 of the AICU “Illegal cross or attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine”.


In Odessa border guards found 15 foreigners, who violated the rules of staying in Ukraine


The operational staff of the Southern Regional Department of State Border Guard Service with the involvement of the Special Unit of Odessa Border Detachment, together with representatives of State Migration Service, Agency for the Prevention of Human Trafficking and State Security Service of Ukraine in Odessa region carried out activities to identify the cases of illegal stay of foreigners on the territory of Ukraine.

As a result of joint actions the law enforcement authorities detained 15 foreign nationals – immigrants from different countries of migration risk, particularly Vietnam, China, Syria, Nigeria, Cameroon, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Afghanistan. The violators of the rules for stay on the territory of Ukraine were in one of the industrial markets of the city.

These citizens were taken in SMS in Odessa region for drafting legal documents and making legal decisions under Part 1 Art. 203 of the AICU.


Border guards detected seven undocumented citizens of Bangladesh and Nigeria in the suburb of Odesa


The staff of operational units of the Southern Regional Administration of State Border Guard Service together with representatives of the Odessa Border Detachment in the suburbs of Odessa, conducted a complex of actions directed on available information verification as for illegal stay of the foreigners on the territory of Ukraine.

Thus, in one of the settlements of Ovidiopol district, Odessa region, a group of illegal migrants in number of 7 persons was revealed. They had no any documents. Four of them introduced as the citizens of Bangladesh, and three – citizens of Nigeria. According to available preliminary information, it was established that they illegally arrived to the territory of Ukraine from the Russian Federation and were staying in the country violating the applicable immigration laws.

In the course of the interview it became known that some of them arrived to Russia this summer under the guise of the football fans and intended in future to enter illegally through Ukrainian territory to the EU countries for employment.

Administrative protocols are drafted as for the detained migrants, identification actions are performed aiming in their further expell beyound the territory of Ukraine.


State Border Guard Service completed targeted preventive measures in the framework of operation “Migrant”


In the period from July 26 until August 31 of this year, the  units of the Border Agencies togather with the interacting authorities ceased 3.4 thousand administrative offences committed by foreigners and persons without citizenship. They caught during the target operation “Migrant” being performed in this period. In addition, the employees of the State Migration Service and National Police also took part in it.

Note that during the month the officers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine brought to administrative responsibility more than 3 thousand offenders being imposed with the fines totaling more than 8.2 million UAH. A significant number of foreigners, more than 90% were prosecuted under Part 2 Article 203 of the AICU “Violation of foreigners and stateless persons the rules of stay in Ukraine and transit travel via the territory of Ukraine”.

Besides, the border guards refused about 2 thousands of potential offenders a thousand foreigners in entering the country, 101 offenders were forcibly returned to their country and 24 persons were expelled. Fifty persons were placed to the Temporary Residence Facility and 52 persons are hold in the places of Temporary Detention Facilities of SBGSU. Also the activity of the criminal group consisting of 5 persons was suppressed, 4 organizers and 4 accomplices of illegal migration were detained, the Investigation Unit of the National Police received 15  notifications about detected signs of the criminal offenses.


The Russian asked for asylum in Ukraine due to the persecutions in Russia


The SBGS staff detained a citizen of the Russian Federation on the site of the BU “Zolochiv”, in Kharkiv. The man tried to cross illegally the state border from Russia to Ukraine and later asked for asylum in the country.

The border guards of Kharkiv Detachment detained a Russian citizen, born in 1994, as soon as he crossed the state border. In the course of clarifying all circumstances of the offence, the man applied to the representatives of the State Border Guard Service with a request to grant him a refugee status. During interview he explained that he was strongly opposed to aggressive state policy in his country, and their political views were being persecuted by Russian law enforcement agencies and now he is wanted in Russia.

That is why, for the sake of his life, the man decided to cross the state border beyond the checkpoint and ask for refugee status. Currently, upon completion of all procedures, the citizen of the Russian Federation was handed over to the representatives of the Migration Service of Ukraine.
