Author Archives: oksana

Citizens of India and Greece offering bribes were not passed to Ukraine


A citizen of India was detained in the Boryspil Airport for bribing the border guards aiming to enter the teritory of Ukraine in illegal way.

The military Prosecutor’s office (Kyiv) is performed procedural supervision in the criminal proceedings on the fact of a bribe proposal by a foreigner in the amount of 400 Euro to the officer of the State Border Guard Service that is as to the signs of the criminal offense under Part 3 Art. 369 Criminal Code of Ukraine.

It has been established that the citizen of India tried to bribe the officers of the State Border Guard Service in the check point “Boryspil”. The foreigner offered the Senior Lieutenant an undue benefit in the amount of 400 euro for his admission to Ukraine, as he had the ban on entry into the territory of the country.

The Indian citizen was detained by the policemen in the airport “Boryspil” in accordance with the Article 208 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. Primary investigative actions are continued.


Border guards stopped the trip of Azerbaijani citizen near the Ukrainian-Belarusian border


The Azerbaijani citizen, who tried to bypass the checkpoint “Maidan-Kopyschansky” to enter the territory of the Republic of Belarus, was detained last night by the border guards of the Zhytomyr Detachment.

So, after procession the information received from the operational divisions of the Northern Regional Department, the border guards of BD “Kopysche” found a man, who, overcoming obstacles and ignoring the information signs, was traveling in the direction of the state border. The border detail immediately took measures to detain this person.

The offender was 29-year-old citizen of Azerbaijan.

In the course of further investigation it was determined that the foreigner had recently come to the territory of Ukraine and intended to get by transit to the territory of Belarus. However, the staff of the BGS of the neighboring country refused him in entry and returned to Ukraine.

During his return the foreigner has been granted the right to pass through the territory of Ukraine to Azerbaijan by transit within 72 hours, but Azerbaijani has ignored this requirement. Exceeding the period of his stay on the territory of the country, the foreigner has repeatedly decided to go to Belarus, but this time in illegal way. Arriving to the village by passing transport, the foreigner walk out of the checkpoint trying to cross the border on Belarus, where, a few meters from the state line he was detained by the border guards for trying to violate the state border.

Currently, the procedural documents are prepared as to the offender for his violation of the Articles 204-1 (Illegal cross or attempt to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine) and 203 (Violation of the stay rules in Ukraine and transit pass through the Ukrainian territory by the foreigners or stateless persons) of the Administrative Infringement Code of Ukraine.  Also the border guards made decision on the foereigner’s ban to enter the territory of Ukraine for the period of 3 years.


Lviv border guards detained two citizens of India getting through the woods to the border


Two unknown persons were revealed nearby the border by the district inspector of Lviv Detachment. Aiming not to admit border violation, the reaction group started immediately to the place of the offenders’ possible stay. The unknown persons were walking through the woods towards the border; they were stopped in the suburb of the village Hrushiv. Detainees were delivered to the border division in order to perform verification action and identify the circumstances of the offence.


How visa-free regime have influenced Ukrainians


Visa-free regime does not promote increase of labor migration. As it concerns tourist or business trips.

“The truth is people before their migration for work are unable to go abroad to learn about working conditions. However, they still would have left. The decision then would be less valid and with big risks”, – said the head of the Migration Research Sector of the Institute of Demography and Social studies, Alex Pozniak, writes “Business capital”.

According to his words, the number of Ukrainian migrants has increased in Poland, because it has created good conditions for employment.

“Those who previously traveled to Russia, have shifted to Poland. At the same time, a significant part of migrants looks for work in the richer countries. Thus, Poland compared with the Czech Republic has lower wages. In Germany there is generally a significant difference. Almost like we have with Poland” – said the expert.

He added that at the end of 2016 – beginning of 2017, the Polish scientists coalculated 760 thousand Ukrainian workers. However, this number is constantly growing.


Border guards detained illegal immigrants from Morocco in Transcarpathia


Local residents informed the border guards about unknown persons appearance in the border area. The soldiers of the BD “Velykyi Bereznyi” immediately started in that direction with the dogs. The border guards detained a foreigner who could not provide any documents on the outskirts of the village Zabrid, Velykyi Bereznyi district. However, the man introduced himself as a citizen of Morocco.

After conducting the necessary procedural actions, the illegal migrant was taken to the border unit. The foreigner will be brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 Article 204-1 AICU “Illegal cross or attempt to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine”.


Azerbaijani tried to enter Ukraine illegally twice for a day


The Azerbaijani citizen, who tried twice to cross the state border in one day, was detained by the border guards of the Chernihiv Detachment.

The violator was noticed by a district inspector of Border Guard Service in the direction of Ukrainian-Russian border. The man had no any documents and introduced himself to be the citizen of Azerbaijan.

Subsequently it was established that this citizen exceeded the term of his stay in Ukraine. In the morning of the same day he was not allowed to cross the border at the checkpoint “Novi Yarylovychi”.

The Protocols on violation of the state border and border regime were drawn up as to the offender. Currently, the foreigner is kept in the Temporary Detention Facility. Filtration measures are continued.


Border guards detained trespasser from Moldova attempting to cross the border in Odessa region


The border guards of Podil Detachment in the area of BD “Pavlivka” detained the citizen of Moldova few meters from the state border.  The citizen of the neighboring country tried to cross illegally the border beyond checkpoint.

The operative staff of the Southern Regional department received information about possible border passing in the area of BD “Pavlivka”. The border guards immediately send the detail in the direction of possible motion of the trespasser and apprehended him.

Later on, the Joint Inter-Agency Group consisting of the border guards, operational staff of the Southern Regional Department, the employees National Police of Ukraine in Odessa region under the procedural leadership of the Rozdilyansk Municpal Prosecutor’s office in the frames procedural actions the car “VAZ-2101” driven by the Ukrainian was stopped, who may have been used for the delivery of the trespasser.

Investigative actions are continued.


Slovakian border guards detained 3 smugglers and 34 illegal migrants passed from Ukraine


The incident happened after 08 p.m, the time when illegal migrants were getting through the border looking for better life. The smuggler had to wait them at Slovakian territory. The correspondent informs that it was said about the group of 20 persons. As to preliminary information, farther they were waited by a man from Humene, having no any suspicion of being expected by the law enforcers. The smuggler aged 38 started to flee, when Polcie arrived. All illegal migrants were returned to Ukrainian side, the smuggler is arrested. He will be imprisoned for 3 to 8 years. The interesting fact that some hours later one more group of illegal migrants in number of 14 foreigners and 2 smugglers were detained.


Labour migration to Lithuania has doubled due to Ukrainians

The number of migrants arriving to work in Lithuania this year has increased more than in two times due to the Ukrainians. It was reported by Delfi with reference to data of Migration Department of Lithuania. According to data of this institution for the first quarter of this year the foreigners were issued almost 16 900 visas and residence permissions. It is mentioned that the number of arrived in 2017 is almost doubled. In the course of four months of the last year more than 7 thousand foreigners came to Lithuania. In the course of the first quarter 11.3 ths Ukrainians arrived, and in 2017 – almost 3.6 ths. In capacity of reaction to growing labour migration the government has announced a plan on quota introduction for some professions for unqualified workers from abroad. The specific proposals will be represented in spring.


Two citizens of Turkey were apprehended nearby the border on Poland


District inspector of Border Guard Service “Smilnytsya” received warning information about unknown persons appeared in the area. The border guards started the search of the strangers at the assistance of the reaction group and reserves of the subdivision. Later on, the law enforcers detained two men with document of the Turkish citizens in the suburb of border village two kilometers before Poland. The foreigners, born in 1990 та 1991, confirmed their aim to cross the state border beyond the checkpoint in order then to get to the countries of European Union. The foreigners were detained in administrative order. The court will make a decision on their case as to illegal cross of the state border Ukraine committed by the group of persons.

It will be recalled that from the end of April there are actions performed on joint special border operation “Border-2018”. Since the beginning of this operation the border guards of Mostyskyi detachment in 14 cases detained 38 trespassers.
