Author Archives: oksana

Iraqi citizen attempted to get illegally to Ukraine for 800 US dollars


The border guards of the Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” refused to accept the bribe in the amount of $ 800.

The citizen of Iraq offered an undue benefit, which during the border control in the check point “Boryspil” was denied in passing through the border as he did not confirm the purpose of his trip to Ukraine.

When he was returned by the back flight, the foreigner offered the employee of SBGS $ 800, and received a categorical refusal. So far, the citizen is denied in entry across the border. In general, since the beginning of the year staff of SBGS refused in accepting the bribes in more than 130 cases.


Border guards detained Turkish citizens near the border on Poland


Illegal migrant was detained late in the evening last night by the border guards of Lviv Detachment near the border on Poland.

The offender intending to cross the Ukrainian-Polish border illegally was detected in the result of information received from the staff of the operational divisions of SBGS. The man traveled towards the border with a passport document of a citizen of Turkey, was stopped for 1.5 kilometers before the border by the border detail of BD “Rava-Ruska”.

So far, the detainee Turk was delivered to Border Guard Department with the purpose to perform filtration-verification measures and draw up administrative and procedural documents.


Two Moroccans were detained on Polish border


The border guards of Mostyskyi Detachment prevented another violation of the state border of Ukraine.

Last night one of the residents of the border villages informed the district inspector of BD “Krakovets” about appearance of two African foreigners. Response team of the border guards started to search out the unknown persons, who were detained 400 meters before from the state border.

These were citizens of Morocco, born in 1988 and 1989, they had documents and a residence permit in Ukraine. During the analysis it became clear that the foreigners were first year student of one of the Ukrainian universities. However, the men were unable to provide a reasoned answer, what were they doing near the border on the EU so far away from the University. Subsequently, the travelers had admitted that their goal was to go to neighboring Poland and then to Europe.

For attempt of illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine, committed by a group of the foreigners they will be brought to administrative responsibility. Under Part 2 Article 204-1 of AICU it is stipulated to fine these persons in the amount of 8.5 thousand UAH each.


In the course of two weeks 28 illegal migrants were apprehended in Vinnytsya region


Within two weeks of operation “Migrant” in Vinnytsya region Police detained 28 persons illegally staying on the territory of the country.

“The Police checked public places, places with large concentrations of people – stations, markets, shops, educational institutions, hostels, hotels. Out of 28 identified illegal migrants by law enforcement agents: 26 decisions were made on their forced return to the country of origin, 1 – on forced expulsion”, – it was stated in the message.

It is said that in general Police identified 114 violators of the legislation on legal status of the foreigners and stateless persons. 79 administrative protocols were prepared under the Article 203 AICU (violation of the stay rules in Ukraine and transit travel via the territory of Ukraine by the foreigners and stateless persons), 34 protocols under the Article 205 of AICU (Failure to take measures to ensure timely registration of the foreigners and stateless persons) and 1 – according to the Article 204 of AICU (violation of the procedure for employment, acceptance to study, housing, registration of the foreigners and stateless persons and documents drawing up for them.

Operation “Migrant” in Vinnytsya has been started on February 5. Fifteen days took its preparatory stage, and from February 21 Police together with the staff of Migration and Border Guard Services began to implement the activities. The purpose of preventive testing is to monitor the implementation of the legislation in the migration sphere, detect illegal stay of the foreigners or stateless persons on the territory of the region as well as prevent other offenses.


Ukrainian woman’s trip to the EU failed due to a bribe, and due to its absence


The traveler attempting to cross the border twice in the checkpoint “Shehyni” at the border on Poland, was not passed by the border guards Mostyskyi Detachment.

The citizen of Ukraine, born in 1977, provided a Ukrainian passport for control, which last page was partially destroyed. In order the border guard paid no attention to the invalid document, the woman put 400 UAH to it. The border guard did not fall for it, thus, the citizen had also to communicate on the border with the Police as well.

However, the traveler arrived to this checkpoint soon and provided the passport of the Belgium citizen being issued for her constituent data. This idea of the Ukrainian was disclosed by the border guards immediately, who then drew up the Protocol for attempt of illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine.


Border guards found an illegal immigrant from Angola in Bukovyn


In the course of the operational and preventive actions titled “Migrant” the border guards revealed a foreigner with invalid documents.

The district inspector of BD “Porubne”, Chernivtsi Detachment, informed about the appearance of unknown person on the outskirts of the village Terebleche, Hlybotskyi district.

During the inspection of the foreigner it was revealed that three of them were Syrian citizens and had valid passport documents. Concerning the fourth man, being a citizen of Angola, he was also apprehended.

It was established that the foreigner’s passport expired already two years ago. In this connection, administrative protocols were prepared as to 31-year-old African with regard to his violation of the border regime and breach of the stay rules in Ukraine.


Two travelers from Turkey were detained near the border on Poland


Two Turkish citizens, who were trying to violate the state border, were detained by the border guards Mostyskyi Detachment.

Last night the border guards of BD “Krakovets” received warning information from the operatives of BGS about a possible violation of the border. The border guards took measures to prevent offenses in this area of responsibility and soon the border detail noticed unknown persons. The law enforcers started to pursue two men walking in the direction of Poland, and 250 meters before the border the fugitives were caught. The detainees were the citizens of Turkey, born in 1981 and 1985. The foreigners arrived to Ukraine legally, for some period were residing in Lviv, and soon decided to continue their journey, but in illegal way.

The foreigners will be brought to administrative responsibility for attempt to cross the border illegally. In future, the foreigners will be deported to the country of origin.


Border guards took two Turkish citizens off the regular bus and train


Two Turkish citizens, trying to cross illegally the border at checkpoints, were revealed by the staff of State Border Guard Service in Lviv region.

Thus, the border guards of Lviv Detachment at the checkpoint “Rava-Ruska” detected a citizen of Turkey in the regular bus “Chernivtsi – Hodynya(RP)”, who provided the false ID card of the citizen of Bulgaria for verification. The man had also his passport of the citizen of Turkey by which he arrived to Ukraine.

And the border guards of Mostyskyi Detachment detected a man who claimed to be a citizen of Turkey, but had not any documents during the border control at the checkpoint “Mostyska – railway station”.

He planned to slip through the border in the corridor of the train “Lviv – Wroclaw”. Therefore, the offenders going to travel from Ukraine to Poland, were taken off the bus and the train by the border guards. Upon drawing up appropriate documents, one of them was handed over to the Police, the other is kept in Temporary Detention Facility until his identification.


A family of Turks with false documents was detained by border guards at Boryspil airport


The border guards of Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” stopped the family of Turks with false documents in the international airport “Boryspil”.

During the check in for the flight “Athens-Kiev-Brussels”, the staff of BGS found an invalid document belonged to the Turkish citizens, who were traveling as a family.  When passports were inspected on a special technical device it was found that the child’s document contained the signs of partial forgery, namely, the replacement of information pages. In the course of the conversation, the Police learned that the parents bought false document for 1000 EUR.

So far, the family us taken off the flight, and in the near future they will be returned by a back flight.


Citizens of Tunisia, Eritrea and India were detained at the border and checkpoints


An illegal migrant, a citizen of Tunisia, was arrested yesterday by the border guards of Mostyskyi Detachment 150 meters before the state border. The offender, intending to get illegally to Poland, was managed to be found in a result of obtained information from a local resident. The foreigner had a foreign passport; however, he made his way beyond the checkpoints.

Currently, the detainee is taken to the Border Guard Service Department. The Protocol was drawn up under the Article 204-1 of AICU. The case is forwarded to court.

In addition, the border guards of Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” detained at the airport “Boryspil” the undocumented citizen of Eritrea and citizens of India with false Ukrainian residence permit during the passengers’ registration from two flights that arrived from Dubai.

Both foreigners were returned by back flights.
