Author Archives: oksana

Citizen of Tunis had forged documents


The border guards of Berdyansk Detachment continue to detected persons attempting to get to the territory of Ukraine by invalid documents.

The citizen of Tunis arrived to the international airport Zaporizhya in the evening. Undergoing the border control the foreigner presented his foreign passport and certificate for permanent residence in Ukraine. However, upon checking his documents the militaries established that this certificate contained the signs of forgery and was invalid. In this regard, the foreigner was not admitted to the territory of Ukraine and was banned to visit our country for three years.

The offender will be returned by a back flight.


Azerbaijani attempted to bribe border guards


The Sumy border guards registered the next attempt to bribe the border guards.

This morning, a database has operated as to one of the citizens in the railway control point “Konotop” during the implementation of border control of passengers from the train “Moscow-Odessa”. As it was established by the border guards, 47-year0-old foreigner was banned to enter Ukraine due to the Ukrainian legislation violation.

In the course of corresponding documents drawing up the man offered the border guards a bribe in the amount of $100 to get to the territory of Ukraine; afterwards he was rejected in it.

Currently, the documented offence provided under the Article 369 of Crime Code of Ukraine (Offer, promise or presenting unlawful benefit to an official person) was forwarded to the National Police.


Pakistani and Turk were detected on the border with forged documents


The staff of SBGS revealed two foreigners having forged document and someone’s passport.

The border guards of Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” during the registration of the passengers from the flight “Larnaca – Kiev” at the international airport Boryspil exposed a foreigner with forged documents. During the verification process the persons presented the Spanish ID-card, however, he was the citizen of Pakistan.  Currently, the offender is returned by a back flight.

And at the checkpoint “Krakovets” the border guards of Mostyskyi Detachment exposed the citizen of Turkey, who followed by the car “Volkswagen” to Poland with a foreign passport. Now, the offender is kept in the Temporary Detention Facility for his identification.


In Transcarpathia the border guards together with the Police revealed an organized group being engaged in smuggling illegal migrants


Despite the increased illegal activities in the Transcarpathian region, the State Border Guard Service, together with interacting authorities make every effort to combat such manifestations.

In particular, the Operational Investigative Subdepartments of the Western Regional Department of SBGS together with the staff of the Department for Fight against Crimes connected with Human Trafficking of the National Police conducted a special operation on combating illegal trafficking of persons across the state border.

Thus, in the framework of criminal proceedings on the organization of persons’ illegal transportation through the border of Ukraine, the border guards together with the Police conducted searches in the private apartments of the residents of Uzhhorod district, Perechyn and Uzhhorod town.

It will be recalled that in late October, the border patrol, composed of students of the National Academy of SBGS, arrived for reinforcement purposes in Transcarpathia, in a result 12 citizens of Vietnam were detained. Illegal migrants got through the woods in the direction of Slovakia.

By results of the applied measures the law enforcers found and confiscated mobile phones, SIM cards to them, money and other things that could be used as evidences in the criminal proceedings. Four vehicles were additionally seized and delivered to the fine site in the Transcarpathian region.

Currently, two defendants in criminal proceedings are declared suspicion in the criminal offense commitment under the Part 2 Article 332 of the Crime Code of Ukraine (illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine, management by these actions or facilitating their commitment by advice, instructions, provision of means or removal of obstacles, made on the preliminary arrangement by group of persons). The sanction of article provides for a punishment in the form of imprisonment for the term from three to seven years with confiscation of instruments of crime.

In addition, a preventive measure shall be selected as for the violators. The investigative actions on this case are continued.


EU resident was apprehended in Transcarpathia, who planned to smuggle 5 illegal migrants for $2000


The staff of Vynohradiv Police Department took EU resident under custody, who was detained when smuggling five illegal migrants over the border. The inspectors established that one of the detainees apprehended nearby the Ukrainian-Hungarian border was the organizer of illegal migrants; smuggling. According to the inspector’s words the foreigner from the Berehovo town took five migrants and accompanied them to the check point, from where they had to cross the state border illegally by themselves. The smugglers from another side of the border, Hungary, had to transport them to Czech Republic. The men had to pay $2000 for this service.


Seven foreigners were discovered in the frames of operation “Migrant” in Zaporizhya region


Border guards together with the interactive bodies in the frames of the operation “Migrant” continue detect foreigners and stateless persons illegally staying in Ukraine, and counteract to organized criminality, illegal migration and human trafficking.

Thus, during the operative actions the staff of Azov-Chornomorskyi Regional Department together with the representatives of SMS, SSU and National Police in Zaporizhya region detected 7 foreigners exceeding the stay terms within Ukraine specified by the legislation. There were two citizens of Azerbaijan, two persons from Syria and one citizen of Tunis as well as from Russia and Brazil among the violators.

Appropriate administrative materials were drawn up with regard to all detainees. Currently, the staff of SMS makes corresponding decisions as to foreigners’ expel from Ukraine.

Besides, two citizens of Ukraine were called to administrative responsibility, which illegally employed two foreigners and provided them with dwelling. The Ukrainians are impended with administrative responsibility and fine in the amount of more than 3000 UAH.


Turk purchased French ID-card to get to the EU countries


Lviv border guards apprehended Turkish citizen, who using the French ID-card intended to cross illegally the border.

Thus, the documents of one of the passengers attracted the attention of the border guards during the registration for the train Lviv-Wroclaw at the Ukrainian-Polish border.  The man, born in 1975, presented the ID-card of French citizen. As the identification card testifying the foreign citizen does not ensure the right to cross the state border of Ukraine, the border guards rejected the man to enter the country. In addition, during the verification process the law enforcers established that mentioned citizen arrived to Ukraine some days ago by the flight from Istanbul; however, he crossed the border by the passport document of the Turkish citizen. Finally, the man confessed that he was not the citizen of Turkey; ID-card was bought in France for big money in order to get illegally to the countries of European Union. The identification card was not original as the competent bodies of France confirmed it not to be issued by them.

The man was detained in administrative order. By the Ukrainian court decision he will be called to administrative responsibility for his unlawful attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine.


Border guards detained travel from Africa at border on Poland


Border guards of Mostytskyi Detachment detained a migrant from Africa, who attempted to cross Ukrainian-Polish border on foot. The border guards received information from local residents about unknown person appearance in the direction to the state border. In the course of searching activities district inspector of Border Guard Service apprehended this man. It was 25-year-old citizen of Mali. The foreigner had his passport and expired Certificate for Temporary Residence in Ukraine. The man confirmed his illegal intentions to get to the neighboring Poland beyond the check points. The citizen was detained in administrative order; decision on the case of illegal cross of Ukrainian state border will be made by the court.


Undocumented foreigner was apprehended in Uzhhorod


The military together with the National Police officers stopped a young man of African appearance at the railway station in Uzhgorod. He was a citizen of Ghana and studied in one of the regional universities, but could not confirm it. The only thing that the African showed to the border guards was a copy of the Temporary Residence Certificate, which was no longer valid. Since this stay of the foreigner within the  controlled border area contradicts to the requirements of the current legislation, the law enforcers detained the offender and took him to the Temporary Detention Facility of Chop Border Detachment.

Upon person’s identification and clarifying all the circumstances, the foreigner will be called to administrative responsibility and an issue regarding his further stay on the territory of Ukraine will be made.


Citizen of Russia asked for refugee status because of political persecution from the RF


Citizen of Russia arrived by train to Ukrainian capital asked for refugee status in the check point “Kyiv-Railway”. The Russian woman applied to the staff of SBGS with an appeal to be granted refugee status. In the course of the interview the Russian woman informed that she was an oppositional activist and pursued in Russia for her political convictions. Currently, the woman was allowed to cross the state border and handed to the staff of SMS of Ukraine.
