Author Archives: oksana

Border guards detained two travelers from Africa in Lviv region


In the course of two days the staff of BD “Sheheni” and “Krakovets” detained two foreigners, who made their way beyond the check points abroad. In both cases the information about unknown persons being seen in the populated areas was given by the local residents.

Thus, at night the border guards of BD “Krakivets” apprehended 25-year-old citizen of Algeria, and the next day the detail of the BD “Sheheni” prevented 23-year-old Moroccan to cross the border. Both men had passport documents. So far, there is a complex of actions performed on establishing the circumstances of detained foreigners’ arrival to Ukraine and organization of their illegal trip. The men will be fined or arrested in administrative order for their attempt to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine. he court will make a decision on the case.


Five illegal migrants and smuggler from Odesa region were apprehended in the woods nearby Uzhhorod


In the coure of preventive operation “Migrant” the illegal migrants were apprehended by the representatives of the Department for Counteraction to Crimes associated with human trafficking together with the policemen of the Uzhhorod response units of Mukchevo Border Detachment and staff of the Migration Service nearby the village of Hluboke in the wood line. Five foreigners (21 to 50 years old) had no any documents. In addition, there was 35-year-old Ukrainian citizen in the car, who had been living in Ukraine for a long time. He is suspected in organization of illegal transportation. Police initated the criminal proceeding as to the fact of the offence. It is planned to transport them to Mukachevo Border Detachment. The investigation goes on.


All hopes of 14 illegal migrants from Transcarpathia were taken away in Slovakia


Persons, involved in organization of the illegal trip for the undocumented foreigners, are wanted; however, the Police knows the circle of persons, who may be connected with this smuggling. The border guards informed the Police about the border cross by 14 illegal migrants. They were already stopped on another side of the border by Slovakian border guards. It had already been established that the violators got to the neighboring country through the border in Transcarpathia. The Slovakian Border Police detained the migrants. Currently, the issue is under consideration as their return in the frames of readmission to Ukraine, where they will be placed to the Temporary Holding Facility for the Migrants.


Supposed arriving to Hungary: 6 migrants from Pakistan and India were found in Transcarpathian woods


Six migrants from India and Pakistan were found in the woods of Transcarpathia. The law enforcers revealed two illegal migrants of Asian appearance in the suburb of the village Glubokoe, who were without any documents. Soon, frour more persons from the eastern countries were detected. Five detainees introduced themselves as the citizens of India, and one from Pakistan. During verification actions the foreigners reported about the unknown smugglers, who demaned money from them for as if they had already delivered the migrants to Hungary. However, they foreigners were left in the woods. The searches of involved persons continue as well as the filtration actions. Also, it was managed to detain the Ukrainian, who was probable guide. He did not have documents too and was unable to explain his stay within the border area.


Ten migrants from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Russia were apprehended at the RF border



After receiving information from the operational staff of the department about the illegal activities, this direction was reinforced by additional border details. In the course of several hours of observation, the servicemen noticed a group of unknown persons traveling from Russia to the Ukrainian settlement. Without delay, the border guards of the Chernihiv Detachment immediately detained a group of offenders, consisting of 10 people. Among them were 6 Pakistani citizens, 3 Sri Lankans and one citizen of Russia.

So far, all violators of the state border were taken to the border unit. It has been pre-determined that foreigners came to Russia supposedly as fans of the recent football championship, and later they planned to travel by transit through Ukraine to the EU. It is also established whether the Russian was their smuggler. The appropriate protocols were prepared as to the foreigners. The verification actions go on.


“Border-2018”: more than 1000 potential migrants are revealed during 4 months


In the course of 4 months of the operaton the staff of State Border Guard Service together with the representatives of other interacting agencies apprehended 175 illegal migrants, did not pass more than 1000 potential migrants through the state border and revealed more than 2 000 offenders of the state border and fronties regime.

It will be recalled that operation “Border-2018” is performed at the initiative and under the supervision of the SBGS. It is focused on decreasing the level of unlawful activity at the border, including counteraction to illegal migration, illegal transportation of goods, etc. Together with the subdivisions of Border Deparmtent there are also involved other representatives of counteraction structures, AFU and border departments of the neighboring countries, in particular, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova, and international organizations, namely FRONTEX, EUBAM, INTERPOL, EUROPOL.


Moroccan was escaping the border control to enter the EU got himself to the bus


The offender was found that night in the checkpoint “Uzhhorod” by the border guards of Chop Detachment.

The man was posing as a passenger on one of the international buses to exit Ukraine. When verifying passport documents the man abruptly pushed the border guards and escaped. The man was planning to cross illegally the border and hiding behind various buildings, made his way outside the checkpoint. Later on he was arrested.

The offender had no any documents, however, called himself as a citizen of Morocco. The border guards found out that the foreigner fot into the secretly when it stopped before border control.

Also it was established that the foreigner had already been detained for the violation of the stay rules withing Ukraine and he border regime.

The citizen of Morocco was delivered to border unit to identify him, circumstances of the offense and to verify the actions. This time he will be liable for his attempt of illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine.


Six illegal migrants were getting over to the EU countries through Lviv and Transcarpathian regions


One of the groups of the “travelers” was detained at about 2 a.m. by the border guards of Lviv Detachment. The foreigners arrived to the border by two taxi cars.

The border detail, while checking the vehicles on the highway near the border found four men inside the car. They introduced themselves as the citizens of Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan. However, only the Lebanese had some documents, and the Iraqis provided the copies of the foreign passports. The foreigners tried to convince the border guards that they arrived at night to the controlled border area to have dinner at one of the eateries. Later they all admitted in their intention to get to one of the EU countries for future employment. Currently, the detainees are in the border unit, where all the circumstances of their journey will be established.

Two more seekers of a better life were detained in Transcarpathia at about midnight in the area of the BD “Velyka Palad”, Mukachevo Detachment. The foreigners made their way to Hungary. The quick movement of the unknown persons, who overcome the barrage fence, was fixed by the border guard. In order to detain the offenders, the soldiers fired warning shots up. The detainees did not have documents. They only reported to be the citizens of Afghanistan. To clarify all the circumstances of the offense and drawing up administrative reports the offenders were taken to the border units. The further destiny of the detainees and the degree of liability will be determined by the court.


Joint patrol of border guards of Ukraine and Slovakia detained a group of illegal immigrants


In the course of the border guards’ service the signs of human presence were noticed near the state border. The step track pointed to the fact that recently a group of persons walked this way.

The staff of the SBGSU immediately began the search operations and informed the representatives of the border police of Slovak Republic. In order to improve the efficiency of the search and prevent offences, the Ukrainian border guards initiated the joint patrolling with the European colleagues.

Soon, the joint detail detained four Asians. They were just on their way to Slovakia and tried to cross the border. Eight more illegal immigrants were apprehended by the Slovakian law enforcers close the firts group immediately after the violation.

Detainees had no documents, and introduced themselves as the citizens of Vietnam. Currently, the appropriate procedural events take place, the persons are identified, in action of which they shall be liable under the Part 2 Article 204-1 CUAO “Illegal cross or attempt of illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine”. In addition, the persons who could assist the foreigners in their illegal trip are established.


Illegal migrants from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh were apprehended in Lviv region


When receiving information from the local residents about appearance of unknown persons, the border guards of Lviv Detachment stopped two cars for inspection in the suburb of the village Shabelna.  There were 9 persons inside the vehicle, including also those of Asian appearance. After documents check the border guards established that 5 persons were the citizens of Ukraine and other persons had no any documents and were probably the migrants from other countries. One of them was the citizen of Bangladesh, who had the Certificate on appeal for protection in Ukraine, three other men introduced themselves as the citizens of Sri Lanka.  All detainees were delivered to the Border Department for clarification of all circumstances of the infringement. Administrative-procedural documents were prepared as to the foreigners. So far, their participation in unlawful activities connected with illegal transportation of persons through the state border is under establishment.
