Author Archives: oksana

Lebanon with Ukrainian made their way to Slovakia through the Transcarpathian mountains


The man is from the faraway Lebanon, the woman is Ukrainian. As reported by detainees, they had lied for a while in the West Asia, then in Ukraine. However, they subsequently decided to seek his fortune in the vast Western Europe. The border detail of the BD “Stuzhytsya: stopped the travelers 10 m before the Ukrainian-Slovakian border.

The detainees will be called to administrative responsibility under part 2 of article 204-1 AICU “Illegal cross or attempt to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine”.


Ukrainian with optical device and two illegal immigrants from Vietnam were detained by the border guards nearby the border on Hungary


Border detail of the BD “Horonhlab”, Mukachevo Detachment, noticed a man, who with the help of the optical device observed the state border for border duties. During further operatively-search actions the border guards established that the observer was not lone at the border. As it turned out, two more men tried to get illegally to the neighboring Hungary. The border guards detained all three persons. Two of them had no any documents introoducing themselves as the citizen of Vietnam. The man who accompanied the foreigners had the passport of the citizen of Ukraine.

In order to clarify all the circumstances of the offense and draw up the administrative reports the offenders were taken to the border units. The further destiny of the detainees and the punishment will be determined by the court.


Border guards detained 7 citizens of Pakistan and Bangladesh


Tonight, realizing information provided the military mobile subdivisions of Mostyska Detachment detained three people without documents during the area patrolling. The violators stopped few meters before the state border. According to their words, they were the citizens of Pakistan. Currently, the detainees are taken to the border service department to perform filtration actions.

In the frames of the targeted preventive measures “Migrants” the operational units of the Border Agency together with the National police revealed four foreigner without any documents on the territory of Lviv train station. They all claim to have the nationality of Bangladesh.

The protocols were prepared as to the violators under the Art. 203 of the CUAO being handed over to employees of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Lviv region.

It should be noted that from the beginning of the targeted preventive measures “Migrant” performed by the State Border Guard Service together with other interacting bodies more than 1240 Protocols under the above mentioned article were drawn up. Total, more than 11,1 million fines were imposed.


Four citizens of Turkey were detained in the approaches to the border on Poland


Four unknown persons, who tried to overcome the barrage fence of the state border, were noticed by the border guards of Mobile Group “Mostyska”. The response team of the BD “Smilnica” apprehended the foreigners 500 meters before the border. The men aged 18 to 40 had passport documents of the Turkish citizens. Also, it was established that the foreigners arrived to the territory of Ukraine in legal way.

Currently, the offenders are held in the special premise of the BD “Smilnytsya”, where the circumstances of their illegal trip are being established. The detainees will have to bear administrative responsibility for their attempt to cross the state border.


Three Iraqis and Iranians failed to give out themselves for citizens of other countries in Boryspil


When checking in the passengers arrived from Turkey, three UK citizens came for the passport control. However, the inspector had some doubts about the authenticity of their documents. During the detailed check of the passports it was found to be forged. The foreigners in this way tried to get through Ukraine to one of EU countries. The travelers said that they paid for the fake documents about 11 thousand euro and that in fact they were the citizens of Iraq.

The offenders will be returned by a back flight. They are banned to enter the territory of Ukraine for a period of 3 years.

Besides, during verification of the documents of transit passengers, the border guards checked the documents of the citizen of Iran. He travelled to Tegeran by his valid passport document. However, some time later his plans had changed and he decided to try to get to Italy, taking advantage of the passport document of the French citizen. The foreigner did not consider the vigilance of the border guards, who immediately revealed the offense.

The foreigner will also be refunded by a back flight.


Five illegal migrants from Vietnam were apprehended at the Russian border


One more group of illegal migrants from Vietnam was detained nearby the border on Russia by the border guards of Kharkiv Detachment togather with the agents of the Eastern Regional Department of State Border Guard Service.

The day before, the agents received information about possible illegal cross of the state border by the migrants from South-Eastern Asia. During the verification of the road leading from Belgorod (Russia) to Kharkiv, the police detained 5 citizens of Vietnam being 1982, 1983, 1990,1992,1993 years of birth. According to the words of the detainees after their illegal entry to the territory of Ukraine, they planned to get into the countries of the European Union.

So far, verification action continue and details of the offence are established.


Seven citizens of India and Pakistan were detained near the border on Russia


The group of illegal migrants, this time from India and Pakistan, was detained by the border guards of Kharkiv Detachment together assisted by the staff of Operative department of the Eastern Regional Directorate nearby the border on Russia.

The law enforcers received information about a possible violation of the state border in the direction of the settlement Okhrymivka. Finding unknown persons, who moved from Russia to enter Ukraine, the border detail immediately detained the group of seven persons. There were 2 Indians and 5 citizens of Pakistan.

According to the words of the travelers they were trying to enter the territory of Ukraine in order to reach the EU.

Currently, the verification activities continue and the materials on administrative offences are prepared.


Unsuccessful trip of Turk to EU


Border guards of Lviv Detachment detained a foreigner during his attempt to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine.

The border guards of BD “Rava Ruska”, due to the information received in advance from the district inspector, revealed and detained the citizen of Turkey. The man intended to avoid the check point and get to the EU countries. Currentle, the 30-year-old foreigner stay in the border subdivision, where the circumstance of the offence are established.


Two “hapiness seakers” were apprehended in Transcarpathia


Receiving information from the local resident about possible smuggling of illegal migrants the border guards immediteadetly organized joint searching operation with the Police in the course of whicg two undocumented men were revealed. The detained persons introduced as the citizens of Mongolia. The men intended to cross illegally the Ukrainian-Hungarian border in order to move further aiming to improve their life conditions in one of the countries of the European Union. The foreigners were delivered to border unit for drawing up protocols and their identification as well as establishing the circle of persons involved in organization of there migrants’ illegal trip. The court will make the final decision on their case.


Law enforcers apprehended 5 illegal migrants in Transcarpathia


In the frames of the target preventive program “Migrant” four citizens of Vietnam and one persons from Afghanistan were found in the cars traveling to Transcarpathia. There were four men and a woman among the detainees inside the car driven by the Ukrainian. All foreigners had no any documents. So far, the circumstances of the offence are under verification.
