Author Archives: oksana

Transcarpathian law enforcers detained 6 illegal immigrants


The staff of State Border Guard Service together with the law enforcement agencies conduct the events on counteraction to illegal movement by the illegal migrants across the state border.

Thus, in the framework of the joint special border operation “BORDER-2018” and the target preventive measures “Migrant”, inter-agency group, consisting of operational staff of the State Border Guard Service, representatives of the National Police and the State Migration Service, on the highway “Kyiv-Chop” on the outskirts of the village Velyki Lazy in Transcarpathian  region stopped the van “OPEL ZAFIRA” of Polish registration driven by the citizen of the Russian Federation, in which he was transporting 6 undocumented persons, who introduced themselves as the citizens of Afghanistan.

The detained persons were delivered to the Border Unit “Uzhhorod” aiming to conduct filtration and verification actions. During interview the foreigners reported about their plans on getting the EU countries beyond the check points.

The RF citizen was arrested under the Art. 208 of the Crime Code of Ukraine (Detention by an authorized official) by the representatives of the National Police in the Transcarpathian region.


Border guards in Sumy region apprehended three Cubans illegally arrived to Ukraine from the territory of the Russian Federation


Realizing information of the operational units, the border detail patrol detained three foreigners on the road between the villages Bars and Bunyakyno, Putivl district . The persons had ID cards of the citizens of the Republic of Cuba.

Previously it was established that the offenders arrived to the territory of Ukraine illegally outside the check points crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border swimming it across the Seim river.

Currently, the offenders are delivered to the Border Unit “Bilopillya” for drawing up administrative materials. The relevant law enforcement agencies are informed.


Border details detained two illegal migrants in Bukovyn


Continuing action on combating the unlawful activities in the framework of the joint special border operation “Border – 2018” and target preventive actions for the implementation of legislation in the sphere of migration “Migrant” the strengthening of the Ukrainian-Romanian border had been performed already for the fourth time during the summer period.

Two illegal migrants were detained at this direction. Border detail stopped the offenders 600 metres before the state border line. The man had no any documents and introduced as the citizens of Turkey. It should be mentioned that one of the Turkish was “familiar” to the border guards, as the man had previously been detained by the border guards of the Border Unit “Krasnoilsk” for his attempt to cross illegally the state border.

Detained illegal migrants are detained for their identification, the protocols will be drawn up on administrative violations, their fate will be decided by the court.


The law enforcers detained two citizens of Syria nearby the Polish border


Thus, the border guards of the BD “Syanky”, Mostyska Detachment, togather with the policemen found the foreigners during the check of the car. The persons from the Middle East were driving in the car of Lithuania registration in the Transcarpathian region. One of the Syrians had no any identification documents, the other had a certificate of application for protection in Ukraine.

One Syrian citizen was arrested up to 3 days for identification, he was placed to the Temporary Detention Facility, the other man was brought to the administrative responsibility under the Art 202 of the AICU.


Law enforcers apprehended seven citizens of China in Odessa market, who violated the stay rules in Ukraine

Law enforcers apprehended seven citizens of China in Odessa market, who violated the stay rules in Ukraine


In the frames of operation “Migrant” the staff of Operation Units of the Southern Regional Department of SBGS, the SSU staff and SMSU in Odessa region have conducted a complex of events on the territory of the market “7th kilometer” in Odessa city, focused on the information verification as to the illegal stay of the foreigners within the Ukrainian territory.

In a result of conducted events 7 foreigners were revealed and delivered to the office of the State Migration Service of Ukraine, who violated the stay rules in Ukraine. The protocols were prepared with regard to the foreigners. they were fined for the sum of 119000 UAH. Now, the issue on their expulsion from the country is under the consideration.


Seven foreign offenders were apprehended by the border guards and interacting agencies during the day


In order counteract illegal migration and violation of the stay rules by the foreigners within the territory of Ukraine a complex of practical events are planned in some regions of the country. Joint servicing of the border guards together with other interacting agencies are organized in the areas of possible unlawful actions.

The previous day, the agents of the Border Department together with the staff of Mohyliv-Podilks, Ismail, Kherson, Mostysk Detachments and representatives of National Police and State Mgration Service detained 7 foreigners in the frames of above mentioned preventive measures.

These were – the citizen of Jordan and frou persons from Azerbaijan, who violated the stay term on the territory of Ukraine, the citizen of Armenian, who had forged stamps on border cross, and the citizen of Cameroon having no any documents. The appropriate materials were drawn up as to the violators under the Ukrainian legislation in force.

In total, since the beginning of the operation “Migrant” the staff of SBGSU prepared more than 1240 protocols only for the foreigners’ offence and stateless persons violating the stay rules in Ukraine and transit trip through the territory of Ukraine. in addition, the violators of the Ukrainian legislation were fined for the sum of 11.1 mln UAH.


Four illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar were hiding among the sunflower plantings


A group of illegal immigrants from South-Eastern Asia were detained in Lviv by the officers of the State Border Guard Service in the framework of the joint special border operation “Border-2018”. It was managed to expose the intentions of the offenders due to the cooperation with the border guards of Poland.

The Polish colleagues with the help of technical means recorded in the night the appearance of the unknown persons near the Ukrainian-Polish border, and the border guards of the Western Regional Department immediately organized a search of the violators.

Soon the cynologists with the service dogs found the tracks of possible offenders. However, they failed to detain them immediately as the illegal immigrants were hiding among plantings of sunflower.

In order to prevent violations at the state border the officers of the operational units used the reserves of the several neighboring units of the Lviv Border Detachment.

As a result, 3 Bangladesh citizens and 1 citizen of Myanmar were revealed and detained 500 metres from the border. The foreigners reported that they intended to bypass the checkpoint to get into the EU.

The detainees were taken to the unit to clarify the circumstances of the offense and draw up administrative documents. So far, the filtration events go on.


Citizen of Ghana with forged Italian document was apprehended at the border


During the documents verification of the tourists from the bus, one of the passengers presented the travel document of the Italian citizen for passport control. However, the inspector had some doubts about the authenticity of their documents. It was established that the Italian passport was completely fake. The foreigner in this way tried get through Ukraine to one of the EU countries. The traveler confessed to have the citizenship of Ghana.

The offender was detained and taken to the Lviv Border Detachment for clarification of the circumstances in order to initiate an administrative offence under article 204-1 of the Administrative Infringement Code of Ukraine  “Illegal cross or attempt to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine”.


Law enforcers detained 5 Vietnamese who planned to enter the EU in Lviv region


The activities are conducted to prevent violations of the law on legal status of the foreigners and persons without citizenship, to combat illegal migration and violations of the stay rules for the  foreigners on the territory of Ukraine.

Currently, a complex of practical actions, including joint patrolling, is performed in the controlled border areas and possible areas of illegal activity by the State Border Guard Service jointly with the National Police, State Migration Service of Ukraine and Security Service of Ukraine.

In a result of these actions performance the agents of the Western Regional Unit of SBGS together with the staff of the National Police of Ukraine in Lviv region detected 5 foreigners – citizens of Vietnam.

Preliminary information about that persons, who were preparing for the illegal cross the state border to EU countries in the area of responsibility of Chop Detachment was received by the operative units of the State Border Guard Service.

In the course of data working off the likely offenders were found in one of the hotels in the town of Khodoriv, Zhidachiv district. The foreigner had no any identifying documents. Currently, the law enforcers conduct investigation actions.


Law enforcers detained illegal migrant in Sumy region


The law enforcement officers continue to use a range of effective measures to counter illegal migration across the state border of Ukraine.

So, the border guards of Sumy Detachment together with the staff of the National Police in the frame of the joint special border operation “Border-2018” and target preventive actions “Migrant” detained illegal migrants being accompanied of the Ukrainian citizen.

In the course of previously received information from the staff of the Operative ad Searching Units of the SBGS about possible unlawful activity, the joint detail of the BD “Krasnopillya” and Head Department of the National Police in Sumy region nearby the village of Turiya by means of the thermal surveillance device detected and revealed the citizen of Ukraine, who attempted to smuggle the citizen of Azerbaijan from Ukraine to the Russian Federation. Both men did not have any identity documents.

Now, the citizen of Ukraine is established – he was a local inhabitant of one of the villages near the border. The detained offenders were delivered to border unit for carrying out filtration measures and preparation of all necessary administrative and procedural documents.
